BLC Meeting Recap – August 31st
Call to Order by Lion President Keith Cook
“If it’s Thursday … it’s LIONS CLUB!”
Members Present: Keith Cook, Mike Matthews, Jon Fontenot, Danny Dossman, Karen Stagner, James Harrison, Veronica Logan, Rob Potts, Dwayne Williams, Gene Ellis, Wayne Carpenter
Guest: Lisle Meeker (speaker); Elona Riley
Song: by Lion Veronica Logan
Pledge to US Flag: Lion Dwayne Williams
Pledge to Texas Flag: Lion Gene Ellis
Prayer: Lion Wayne Carpenter
Joke: Lion James Harrison – Bad Rainbows go to Prism; light sentence – time to reflect
Plate Spin: Lion Mac Hickerson
Exercise: Lion Harrison
Birthdays: No Member Birthdays in September
Congratulations to Lion Rob Potts for 45 years of dedicated service to Belton Lions Club. President Keith Cook presented Lion Potts with a plaque commemorating his tenure. Thank You!
Lions on the Leon Picnic in the Park & Wacky Boat Race, update from Wednesday’s Ship Launch.
The Ship floats beautifully. Capt. D and crew are filming PSA (Pirate Service Announcements). Watch Facebook and Instragram for videos. Sign up sheet passed: Danny Dossman, Karen Stagner, Jon Fontenot, Mike Matthews, Jennah Gliha, Wayne Carpenter, Mac Hickerson, Keith Cook, Gene & Carrie Ellis have signed up so far.
Bell County Senior Expo – September 26th – 8am-1pm. John Corsi, Jennah Gliha, Keith Cook, Cree Childs & Karen Stagner have signed up so far. Wear your BLC t-shirt. Instructions have been emailed to each Volunteer.
Bacon, Blues & Brews Plate Spinning Contest, Saturday, September 30th, Downtown Belton – make plans to help sell People’s Choice Tickets – sign-up sheet passing around. Food Truck Competition is from 11am-1pm. Signed up so far: Cree Childs, Jon Fontenot, Mike Matthews, Danny Dossman, Karen Stagner, Mac Hickerson, Jennah Gliha, David Tuma, Reese Davis, Keith Cook, Wayne Carpenter, Mack Latimer.
Update: This Training Class has been CANCELLED – Spot Vision Screener & State Training Class (both certifications) – Saturday, September 9th, 9am-3pm, Clifton Civic Center (lunch provided). Re-Schedule Dates will be advised.
BISD Mentor Program for Project HEARTBEAT. Please consider being a mentor for a BISD student in a homeless situation. Flyer passing around, if you are interested, please sign on the back of the flyer and we’ll send you a Mentor Application.
Program: The Club has invited Past District Governor Lisle Meeker, Trustee for the Foundation, to provide a presentation about Texas Lions Foundation. History & Growth Article Below … Thank You!
Future Program Assignments:
September 7 – Lou Griffin (James Harrison) – Dr. John S. Vassar, Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, UMHB
September 14 – Christa Strang
September 21 – Jennah Gliha – Board Meeting After
September 28 – Danny Dossman
October 5 – David Leigh
Thank Guests for Coming!
Remember, where there is a need, there is a Lion!
Keeping on the Front Burner:
Saturday, October 21st: HOCTIL Fall Festival, 2-4pm, CTCS – Save the Date –goodies and candy
Thursday, December 21st: HOCTIL Christmas with Santa Claus – Harris Community Center??
Belton Lions Wall at Heritage Park – James Harrison coordinating
Friends of Belton Lions – James Harrison coordinating
85th Anniversary of the Belton Lions Club – James Harrison is planning a Celebration. James explained that Belton Lions Club first met in 1938; then Chartered in 1939.
2024 Fundraiser Cruise – Carnival Jubilee – January 13-20, 2024 –posted on facebook and on our website
2024 Stampede on the Chisholm Trail – we need to set a date for the event.
The idea of a Foundation owned by and for the benefit of the Lions of Texas was the foresight of PID Edwin H. Flood of Amarillo. Lion Ed was successful in selling the idea to the 1983-84 Council of Governors. This Council of Governors approved the Articles of Incorporation and the Texas Lions ratified it at their 1984 State Convention.
A preliminary meeting of the Foundation was held in Kerrville the first weekend of August, 1984. The first organizational meeting of the Foundation was held in San Antonio on November 3, 1984 where the Constitution and By-Laws were adopted and PID Ed Flood was elected the first Chairman. Ed Flood carried the Articles of Incorporation to Austin and the Articles were approved by the Secretary of State on December 4, 1984. The Constitution and By-Laws were ratified by the Texas Lions at their 1985 State Convention.
On December 31, 1984, the Foundation showed a bank balance of $16,006.24 with $6,304.50 in Accounts Receivable and $1,221.60 in Accounts Payable. At the end of approximately one year of operation, the net worth of the Foundation was in excess of $21,000.00. All of this money was derived from the sale of Lions Mints.
The mints were bought from F & F Laboratories in Chicago. They are specially prepared and packaged for the Lions of Texas and purchased at a cost of 9 1/2 cents per roll. The mints were sold to the districts for a profit to the Foundation of 2 1/2 cents per roll. This 2 1/2 cents per roll remains in the Foundation Trust Fund and will continue to benefit Lions projects.
From the sale of mints continues to grow and as of this date an amount in excess of $150,000 has been placed in the Trust Fund. The Foundation is structured so that only interest from the Trust Fund can be used for grants. The Constitution and By-Laws specifically state how this money can be spent. It states the Trust Fund Corpus may not be spent for any purpose. Only the interest Funds of the Foundation may be expended by the Board for grants by the Foundation for the following reasons:
1. To promote any charitable activities sponsored by the Lions of Texas.
2. To Support the Texas Lions Camp.
3. To Support any Lions International program.
4. To help defray costs of any designated disaster.
It further states that the disbursement of Foundation funds in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) or less shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee or a majority vote of the Board of Trustees present and voting; disbursement of Foundation funds in excess of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) shall be made only on approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Trustees present and voting at such meeting.
To date the Foundation has made several grants including fourteen during the Lion year 1998-1999 Application for a grant can be made to the Foundation in writing stating the purpose and benefit of the grant requested. As much detail as possible should be given in the application so that the Trustees can make an intelligent decision. The total amount presently in the Trust Fund Corpus is approximately nine hundred and sixty thousand dollars ($960,000). Therefore, approximately forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) will be available each year for grants and operation of the Foundation. Application forms are available and should be submitted to the District Governor, Trustee, PID Edwin Flood, or PCC Jack Harris, who are listed in each District Directory.
For the first four years of its organization, the Foundation did not actively solicit any donations from Lions or other individuals. In 1988 the Foundation established several award categories that has helped entice individuals and clubs to contribute money to the Foundation.