Serving the Community: Children and Adults with Special Needs
2022- December: Each year, Belton Lions are honored to participate in the B.I.S.D. HeartBEAT Angel Program – helping to provide Christmas for less fortunate children in the Belton School District – where there is a need, there is a Belton Lion.
2022- November: We are so blessed and thankful to be able to serve and give back to our community and families! Belton Lions delivered Thanksgiving baskets for HOCTIL families less fortunate. Where there is a need; there is a Lion. Proud and Humbled to be Belton Lions.
2022: Happy Easter from the Belton Lions Club! On Thursday, we were privileged to help several families in the special needs community, by providing each family with groceries for their Easter meal, plus goodies and sweets for their kiddos! Thank you, Susie Marek, HOCTIL, for all that you do; and for helping to make this Belton Lions Service possible. Thank you, Belton Lions for your servant hearts and generosity!
2021: Caring is Sharing … Christmas Dinner Baskets for families and children with special needs. Thank you Susie Marek, HOCTIL Youth and Family Services Program Manager – for identifying families that we could help this year. Thank You Belton Lions for your generosity and caring hearts! When we give, we get back more than we possibly could have ever imagined. Merry Christmas!

Serving the Community: Each Thanksgiving and Christmas, Belton Lions partner with Heart of Central Texas Independent Living (HOCTIL) to provide Food Baskets to under-served families of Children with Special Needs.
Our Guest Speaker recently was Susie Marek, Children/Youth & Family Services Program Manager, Heart of Central Texas Independent Living. HOCTIL is dedicated to the promotion of independence for persons with disabilities through self-determination and to advocate for persons with disabilities for equal access and actively participate in their community – Your Life … Your Way. She shared stories and examples of “peer support” provided within the Community families – especially people with special needs during this pandemic to help them understand the lifestyle changes. HOCTIL is a “one stop shop” for Veterans to Children. If you get a chance – visit Eldred’s Nursery – a non-profit job training facility for persons with disabilities. Great Organization – and … we are hoping Susie Marek will be our next newest Belton Lions Club Member!
Words of the day on Thursday – Humbling and Heartwarming! – Thanksgiving Baskets for HOCTIL families of children with special needs – Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Thanksgiving meal baskets. Also, Thank you to H-E-B and WalMart for your continued support. Baskets were delivered directly after the luncheon – We received a personal Thank You from the children of one of the families that we Served Thursday! Thank you Lion Shaw and Lion Ellis for helping with the deliveries – heavy helping! It’s always a great day to be a LION!
Want to say thank u. Belton Lions Club. From my family to yours. Happy Thanksgiving.
Caring is Sharing … Christmas Dinner Baskets for families and children with Down Syndrome. Thank you Lion Gary Knight, Downs But Not Out President and Susie Marek, HOCTIL Youth and Family Services Program Manager – for identifying families that we could help this year. Thank You Belton Lions for your generosity and caring hearts!
Touching Lives – it’s reciprocal! Belton Lions assembled today to deliver Christmas Baskets overflowing with goodies for Holiday meals to families of children with Downs Syndrome. Thank you Belton Lions for your generosity; and to Lion President Gary Knight for identifying these beautiful families; and to Belton H-E-B; and to Belton Walmart for your continuing support. Thank you Lion(s) Gary and Danny for the photos. We SERVE because we are LIONS ~ We are LIONS because we CARE!