Belton Lions: LION of the YEAR

Lion of the Year 2022-2023 Lion Jon Fontenot! Each year, a member of the club is selected as the “Lion of the Year” by the previous Lion of the Year recipients. This award is given to a Lion who goes above and beyond to help serve the Club and others in our community. The Lion of the Year Award is for someone who exemplifies unselfish service to others. Thank you and Congratulations!

On behalf of Belton Lions, District Governor Angela Cases presented our Club’s “2021-2022 LION of the YEAR” award to – none other than – President John Corsi! … well deserved! CONGRATULATIONS!

Congratulations to Lion David Shaw – Belton Lions Club 2020-2021 Lion of the Year! … for outstanding dedication and service to the Club and to the Belton Community. Lion Shaw was unanimously selected by past Lions of the Year: Danny Dossman, James Harrison and Karen Stagner! Congratulations David!

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