Archive for January, 2021

Meeting – January 28th, 2021

Friday, January 29th, 2021
Meeting was called to order by Club President Harrison – Welcome Back!

Attendance: James Harrison, Jon Fontenot, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman, Christa Strang, Sam Listi, Mike Matthews, Mac Hickerson, Lou Griffin, John Corsi, Frank Hernandez, David Leigh, Todd Schiller, Rob Potts

Guest Speakers: Matt Bates, Director, & Katrina Townsend, Events Coordinator – Belton Parks and Recreation

Song by Lion Corsi

Pledge by Lion Dossman

Prayer by Lion Hickerson

Exercise Program:  Always an expression of: It’s a Great Day to be a Belton Lion!

Joke – President Harrison’s daughter’s joke (you had to be there) / Plate Spin by Belton Lions Official Plate Spinner Lion Hickerson – long and dynamic!

Announcements –

1.  Stampede Bike Ride 2021: NEW Sponsors: Covington Real Estate; ABC Pest Control – Belton; State Farm Insurance-John Corsi.  First email to previous riders will be emailed out this week.

2.  Club Secretary Challenge: Prize is a hand-made, one-of-a-kind fused & stained glass kaleidoscope (pictured below) – for the Club member who brings in the most number of Bike Ride sponsors – regardless of sponsor level.  Minimum number of sponsors to qualify is five (5) – regardless of sponsor level. Deadline for sponsor submission will be Friday, April 2nd.  Award will be presented on April 8th.  Challenge competition standing as of today:

Lion Dossman – 1 sponsor
Lion Corsi – 1 sponsor
Lion Matthews – 1 sponsor

3.  Thank you to Belton Lion(s) Tuma, Shaw, Knight, Dossman, Listi, Stagner, Corsi, Hickerson, and Fontenot for inspecting our inventory of flags – preparing the inventory for our renewing participants in this USA Flag Program.  We replaced seventy (70) worn and torn flags.  We have an inventory of 193 flags at the Journal; 15 at Lion Listi’s; 7 at Lion Shockley’s, 1 at Lion Griffin’s  & 3 at Lion Knight’s = Total of 219 flags ready for distribution. We evidently lost a few flags when we did the pick-up.  In week 1, we received thirty-one renewals; two moved out of the area; two declined; over a dozen requested information on the flag-pole lights. Within the first week and a half, we have received 25% renewal payment orders. In note: we should keep an inventory of 100 new flags; which cost us about $500.00 (just under $5.00 each) – when we order 100 at a time. Keeping in mind that 219 flags @  $30.00 annually = $6,570.00.  Thursday’s Mail:  We received an additional fifteen (15) renewals.  Journal, this week, has the picture from our Saturday work day with brief info on the program – with a link. We are proposing to place the ad for Feb. 4th or Feb. 11th.  Possibly, we can get Lion Tuma to do an article about the history of the program and why we do it.

4.  Thank you Lion Listi for coordinating to get the old and tattered flags to Scout Troop 153.  They will plan a ceremonial retirement burn for them.  … a great opportunity for the Club to go to the ceremony in support of the Troop.

5.   Facebook Suggestion Made to spotlight one Club Member each week or month on Facebook to let people know “who” our members are and “why” they are Belton Lions. We will present this idea at the 2/4 BOD meeting.

6.  District 2-X3 and Texas Lions Camp Club dues were paid this week for Regular and At-Large members.

7.  Belton Lions Foundation (74-2494272) IRS e-postcard 990-N filed this week.

Program – President Harrison invited Matt Bates, Director of Belton Parks and Recreation to give us an update; and we received a bonus speaker!  Matt brought Katrina Townsend, Event Coordinator for Parks and Recreation for introduction; and to share her presentation on the history of Yettie Polk Park, Yettie Polk and the Polk family.   In 1914, The Belton Journal wrote: “… the park will be an object of civic pride, a place whose beauty will appeal to all, a place in which all citizens of Belton have an equal and common pleasure …”. You just had to be there to see and hear the history with visuals – from 1911 to today – including the 1913 flood.  Then, Matt Bates provided an update on Heritage Park, the Ball Fields, Family Camp Out 2020, Miller Springs Nature Center, the Youth Advisory Commission and more.  Congratulations to Belton Parks and Recreation for their recent awards: Best Department Marketing Award; and Truck & Trailer Winners in the regional Maintenance Rodeo!

Upcoming Programs –

February 4 – Lion Schiller – Jason Fossett – Belton High School Head Boys Basketball Coach; Board of Directors Meeting afterward

February 11 – Lion Arnaud – TBD

February 18 – Flag Program Final Planning & Logistics Meeting

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Meeting – January 23, 2021

Saturday, January 23rd, 2021
Meeting was called to order by Club Past President Shaw.
Attendance: Gene Ellis, Jon Fontenot, Karen Stagner, David Shaw, Lou Griffin, Quinn Arnaud, Danny Dossman, Rob Potts, Mac Hickerson, David Leigh
Guest: Chris Brown, Belton IT Director
Song by Lion Arnaud – melody of voices!
Pledge by Lion Stagner
Prayer by Lion Griffin – with wishes for our President Harrison to get well soon …
Exercise Program:  Belted Belton Lions!
Joke – “Last Thing I Need” & “King or Ruler” / Plate Spin by Belton Lions Official Plate Spinner Lion Hickerson
Announcements –

1.  Website has finally been updated with pictures and files dating back to 2017 – again, thank you Lion David Leigh, Daniel Bucher and Mark Arrazola for their help getting the website back open in July 2019.
2.  On the Bike Ride: Links to Sponsor Form and also for On-Line Registration with Active Endurance are on the opening page; as well as on the Stampede Page. Today’s Mail: 2nd Chuck Wagon Sponsor – Tri-City Bicycles. 
3.  Flag Program: Emails went out over the weekend, mailing to those without emails went out today. 
          We’ve had ½ a dozen people contact us about purchasing lights; and, so far, only two have emailed to decline this year’s program. 
          President Harrison has ordered one of the solar pole lights to test with our flag poles. 
          David Tuma is good with us coming to the Journal on Saturday.  He will be working on the paper; and he said that we could bring the flags inside the Journal to work on them – forecast is for a 50% chance of rain. 
          Webpage tab contains links to the Flag Program Order Form; and for commemorative days for the flag to fly.  Today’s mail: received about a dozen renewals already 
4.  Dues:  The Club just paid bi-annual LCI dues of $624; and we should be getting District 2×3 bi-annual dues invoice any day – $513+-

5.  Secretary Stagner thanked everyone for Support and welcomed input and ideas for improvement and growth during 2021.
Program – Lion Ellis introduced our guest speaker – Cynthia Hernandez, Executive Director, Belton Economic Development Corporation.
Delightful and Informative presentation about Belton Demographics, Statistics, Industries, Programs, Capital Improvements and so, so, much more … Thank You!

Upcoming Programs –
January 28 – Lion Harrison – Matt Bates, Belton Parks and Recreation
February 4 – TBD
February 11 – Lion Arnaud – TBD
February 18 – Lion Corsi – TBD
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Meeting – January 14, 2021

Sunday, January 17th, 2021
Meeting was called to order by Club President Harrison.
Attendance: James Harrison, Jon Fontenot, David Shaw, Mike Matthews, David Leigh, Karen Stagner, Quinn Arnaud, Danny Dossman, Mac Hickerson, Lou Griffin, Christa Strang, Gary Knight, Robb Potts, John Corsi
Guest: Buddy Hickerson
Song by Lion Knight – always glad to have you back – leading us in song!
Pledge by Lion Harrison
Prayer by Lion Griffin
Exercise Program:  Extended to four (4) stretches – working off some of those holiday treat lbs.
Joke – “Chip Monk” or “Fryer” / Plate Spin by Belton Lions Official Plate Spinner Lion Hickerson
Announcements –
 – Stampede Progress was discussed – Dossman Funeral Home is our first Chuck Wagon Stampede Sponsor! Sponsor level sheet was distributed and President Harrison urged all members to promote Sponsorships – there is a Level for everyone!
 – Secretary Stagner urged all members to visit the Belton Lions website and familiarize themselves with the wealth of information there about Stampede, Flag Program, Heritage Park, Meeting Minutes, etc., and to urge prospective Sponsors to visit our website to learn more about all of the good things that we do in the Community – and why we need their Support for our fundraising programs.
 – Secretary Stagner updated everyone on the 2021 Flag Program: Thank you to Lion Listi for assisting with drafting the 2021 Program introduction letter to be emailed and mailed out over the weekend.  Letter to also be emailed out to Club members for information.
 – Treasurer Stagner thanked everyone who paid their dues so promptly and urged others to get theirs paid. January is when the Club gets our LCI and District dues invoices for all members – Regular and At-Large members.
Program – Jim Hudson, Disc Golf (The Open), was invited by Lion Stagner to give the Club an update on exciting upcoming Disc Golf activities at Heritage Park.  Belton Lions assisted/partnered with the organization several years ago, as they held their first Disc Golf Tournament.  The Disc Golf Club will be hosting the Disc Golf Pro-Tour Silver Series Event, March 19-21 – bringing 400 pro players (17 of the top 20 men; and 12 of the top 20 women) to Belton; along with National Media to this Pro-Style Course in Heritage Park – endorsed by pro Brody Smith.  They have requested that our Club assist/partner again for this tournament; and our Club has an opportunity to operate a food vending service at Lions Pavilion during the event. We will invite Jim Hudson to come back and update us as their plans progress – closer to the March event. Just a note: There will be an additional announcement from the Disc Golf Club (besides the “Lions Eye” on Hole 5) – benefitting the Belton Lions Club – after the tournament – so stay tuned …
Upcoming Programs –
January 21 – Lion Harrison – Cynthia Hernandez, Belton Economic Development
January 28 – Lion Harrison – Matt Bates, Belton Parks and Recreation
February 4 – TBD
February 11 – Lion Arnaud – TBD
February 18 – Lion Corsi – TBD
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Board Meeting – January 7, 2021

Tuesday, January 12th, 2021

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Call to Order: Lion President Harrison at 1:00pm

Members Present: President Harrison, Secretary/Treasurer Stagner, Lion Tamer Hickerson, Tail Twister Danny Dossman, Vice-President Corsi, Past President Shaw

Guest: District Governor Randy Sepulvado

Order of Business:

Stampede Bike Ride

  1. Sponsors– President Harrison will start recruiting sponsors today; and reviewed the sponsor form. With the pandemic, large sponsor supporters may be difficult to find. President urged everyone to push for the Supporter and Friend categories.  It is highly recommended that sponsorship money accompany the application – we want to discourage “invoicing” for sponsorships unless absolutely necessary. District 2×3 pledged a $250 sponsorship for the Ride

$2,500                     PRESENTING SPONSOR
Flyers, Posters and Publications will list your Company   as “Presenting” the event. Your Company logo will be incorporated into the Stampede   Logo on the front of the t-shirts, posters and social media. Your Company can set up an outdoor sales/display booth. Major visibility in all publications, public services advertisements and print materials.* Four (4) complimentary entries into “Cycle for Sight” 

$1,000                     Trail Boss
Major visibility in all publications, public services advertisements and print materials.* Announcement of Sponsorship during Event Kick-off Large Company Logo on event t-shirt, Your Company can set up an outdoor sales/display booth. Four (4) complimentary entries into “Cycle for Sight”

$500                        Chuck Wagon
Visibility in all publications, public services advertisements and print materials.* Medium Logo on back of event t-shirt, Two (2) complimentary entries into “Cycle for Sight”

$250                        Pointman
3rd Tier logo on back of event t-shirt, acknowledgement on Social Media, Two (2) complimentary entries into “Cycle for Sight”

$150                        Wrangler
Company name listed on back of t-shirt, Acknowledgement on Social Media, One (1) complimentary entry into “Cycle for Sight”

$75                          Belton Lions Club Supporter
Acknowledgement on Social Media, One (1) complimentary entry into “Cycle for Sight”

$50                          Belton Lions Club Friend
Acknowledgement on Social Media & Grateful Appreciation

  1. Invoices from Paper Graphics: We have received invoices for the logo artwork.  President Harrison will pay personally if need be.  The Board decided that was not necessary, the Club will pay as an expense against the Stampede Bike Ride.
  2. District Governor Sepulvado recommended that we alter the brochure to more highlight the Belton Lions activities; and what we use “fundraised” money to support. Once the form is approved by the Board, Club Secretary will post on the Belton Lions website and will set-up the ride on the Active on-line registration website – should be done this weekend. District 2×3 will put the brochure in the District Newsletter – possibly spurring more sponsorships and, hopefully, registrations.
  1. President Harrison suggested that we have posters made this year … as we formerly did for the ride. Chad at the Bike Shop also feels that a poster would be good – per President Harrison. It would be great if we could get some of this printing free … or underwritten.
  1. Ride Refreshments: We normally have hot dogs available at the end of the ride. President Harrison brought up “in-kind” sponsorships for morning snacks and lunch. Lion Shaw highlighted that much of the supplies are already customarily donated – he will check back in his records. Lion Dossman questioned upgrading the lunch through in-kind – possibly sacrificing a cash sponsorship.  It was agreed that the riders like the hot dogs; and the grain bars, donuts and kolaches.  We will, again, seek out donations from Church’s, Shipley’s, H-E-B, WalMart, Sam’s Club and others. DG Sepulvado will provide contact names and companies that have grant money available. Club Secretary will pursue – including Extraco and Wilsonart.

Meeting Closed at 1:20PM

Meeting – January 7, 2021

Monday, January 11th, 2021
Meeting was called to order by Club President Harrison.
Attendance: James Harrison, Gene Ellis, David Shaw, Mike Matthews, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman, Jon Fontenot, John Corsi, Mac Hickerson
Guest: DG Randy Sepulvado
Song by Lion Hickerson
Pledge by Lion Corsi
Prayer by DG Sepulvado
Exercise Program:  Initiated New Year! Invigorating!
Joke – Something about Mice on Roller Skates (you had to be there) / Plate Spin by Belton Lions Official Plate Spinner Lion Hickerson
Announcements –
 – Oct thru Dec 2020 Invoices distributed / new format to include credit charges from the quarter.
 – Congratulations to Lion Danny Dossman!  District Governor Randy Sepulvado presented Lion Dossman with his 25 year Chevron – Twenty-Five years of Lion SERVICE!
 – Belton Lion Ball Caps are available – $20 each and can be invoiced with Quarterly Dues.
 – President Harrison reviewed our Club’s 3 Annual Fundraisers:
    1. Flag Program
    2. Stampede – Lion Harrison/Sponsors; Lions Shaw & Corsi/Logistics; Lion Stagner/Publicity & Registration
    3. Heritage Park Event/Fundraiser
Program – USA Flag Program
 – Lion Stagner provided handouts for a proposed 2021 Program/Brochure/Newspaper Ad/Delivery Routes
    1. Saturday, January 23rd, 10am date & time were set to meet at the Belton Journal for count, review, replace and repair work on the flags & poles.
    2. Separation of Route 7 into Routes 7 & 8 were reviewed and approved.
    3. Lions Fontenot and Matthews “volunteered” to take responsibility for Route 8.
    4. Route Teams were reviewed and affirmed –
        Route 1/Lion Hickerson & DG Sepulveda – Thank you DG for volunteering to help.
        Route 2/Lions Harrison, Potts & Shaw
        Route 3/Lions Weaver, Stagner & Corsi
        Route 4/Lions Knight & Griffin
        Route 5/Lion Dossman
        Route 6/Lions Ellis & Listi
        Route 7/Lions Reyes, Shockley & (hopefully) Strang
        Route 8/Lions Matthews & Fontenot
    5. Proposed 2021 Program:
        a. Added NEW participant “one-time” charge for sleeve & cap.
        b. Increased normal rate back to $30.00 annually – with normal wear & tear maintenance.
        c. It was presented to offer an optional solar powered pole light – the decision was made to not invest in the solar lights; but to add wording to the brochure offering information assistance to participants for purchasing their own light. The top-mount pole lights are not conducive to our metal poles without a top cap & ball. President Harrison met with Ace Hardware regarding a $30.00 solar projection pole light that will work with our flag poles.
        d. It was agreed to change the program to “perpetual” – with Route Teams responsible for regular monitoring and maintenance.
        e. Wording has been added to the brochure – “The Club is not responsible for loss or damage replacement due to vandalism or theft.”
        f.  The importance of receiving a fully completed participant order form with payment – special focus on having a phone number AND email address for effective communication.
    6. Suggested Changes to the brochure to be addressed after the meeting and resent to President Harrison for approval.  Once approved, it will be posted on the Belton Lions Webpage and will be emailed out to 2020 participants (66 will be USPS mailed because we do not have email address).
    7. Roll-out date was discussed … it was noted via handout that there are many suggested dates for flying the USA flag year-round.  Projected time-line to have flag orders out, will be the last week of February.
    8. Discussed proposed design for 6×9 ad to be placed in the Belton Journal – approved with minor changes.
New Program Brochure and Ad Sample attached to this email.
Meeting was adjourned / Board Meeting Followed
Future Program Assignments
January 14 – Doc Weaver/Karen Stagner – Jim Hudson, Disk Golf (bringing visuals)
January 21 – James Harrison – Matt Bates, Belton Parks
January 28 – Todd Schiller
February 4 – Christa Strang