Archive for July, 2022

Meeting – July 28

Friday, July 29th, 2022

Belton Lions Club – July 28, Noon, The GIN, Meeting Minutes

Welcome and Call to Order by Lion President Mike Matthews

Members Present Karen Stagner, Mike Matthews, Mac Hickerson, Brett Beamesderfer, David Tuma, Mary Shockley, Billy Conway, David Shaw, John Corsi, Malinda Golden, Todd Schiller, Sam Listi, David Leigh, James Harrison, Keith Cook
Guests: Anna & Carla Beamesderfer, McKenna Maddux, Ann Fox, Charles Fox, Maverik Matthews, Charlee Maddux, Diane Maddux, Mickey Maddux, McKenna’s two favorite friends and their Mom (all guests of the Club)
Song: by Lion John Corsi
Pledge: by Lion David Tuma
Prayer: by Lion Todd Schiller
Exercise: by Lion James Harrison – loud and proud
Joke: by Lion Harrison – seagulls over the sea / baygulls over the bay; Lion Leigh – Daffy Duck & Elmer Fudd walk into a bar …
Plate Spin by Lion Mac Hickerson – longest and best internationally

– Flag Program – David Tuma will get a count on the number of USA flags remaining in the case at the Journal.  David Shaw has been driving the neighborhoods and replacing worn and tattered flags; and is assisting to clear up the few remaining unpaid accounts – Thank You.  Thank you also to David Tuma for storage, replacing flags on poles, etc…
– Eyeglass Drop Box – Chris Gregg reached out to one of his business associates, Signs of Times – they will design and “wrap” the drop box.  Jennah Gliha picked it up on Monday for delivery to Sign of Times.  Placement location in downtown Belton will be determined once the drop box is completed.
– Quarterly Dues Invoices are out – Thank you for prompt payment.
– Back to School with God event, August 6th – James Harrison Team Leader – sign up sheet passed around again
– BLC Ball Caps – $20 each – who has them?  John Corsi thinks that he may have the remaining inventory of caps.

Board Meeting Recap:
1.  The Board approved to move forward with the Visit with Santa for HOCTIL families of Children with Special Needs, Thursday, December 22nd, Harris Community Center – Karen Stagner, coordinator.
2.  The Board discussed and approved purchasing 72 backpacks for CASA foster kids, at roughly $300; and will invite CASA of Bell and Coryell Counties to come back to a Club lunch for the presentation.
3.  The Board approved participating in the HOCTIL Fall Festival again this year.
4.  The Board approved for the Club to provide Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets for HOCTIL families in need this year.
5.  The BLC Christmas Party will be December 15th at Lunch – John Corsi and James Harrison will be coordinators.
6.  The Club is still in need of a Treasurer; and should soon create the Budget for 2022-2023.
7.  John Corsi will be contacting and coordinating a possible Plate Spinning Contest at Belton’s Blues, Bacon and Brews Festival.
8.  BLC Charter Celebration in 2023 will be during our regular lunch timeline.
9.  Our Club has been invited to contribute and participate in a donor wall at UMHB for the soon-to-be built Marek-Smith Center for special education training and instruction.  Lion Jon Fontenot will contact them for further information.

 Scholarship Presentations – Reading of their Essays
William B. Long Scholarship – McKenna Maddux
Halley Cox Scholarship – Anna Beamesderfer 

Future Program Assignments:
  August 4 – Christa Strang
August 11 – Chris Gregg
August 18 – Danny Dossman
August 25 – David Leigh

– Keeping on the Front Burner:
Belton Lion Business Cards – keep handing out those cards – inviting prospective new members.
Lion Corsi suggested that we have a prize drawing @ Charter Night for whoever invites (using the cards) the most prospective new members.
Heritage Park Coordinator – James Harrison – Belton Lions Wall – Picnic in the Park
                Future Boat Race Coordinator – Danny Dossman
Stampede Coordinators –Reese Davis and Brett Beamesderfer
Grand Avenue Movie Theater Tickets – waiting until after Summer …

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Board of Directors Meeting – July 21

Monday, July 25th, 2022

BLC Board of Directors Meeting, Thursday, July 21st

Call to Order by Lion President Mike Matthews

Members Present: Mike Matthews, James Harrison, Brett Beamesderfer, John Corsi, Jon Fontenot, Karen Stagner

General Bank Account: $3,251.63
Activity Bank Account: $33,563.59 (before LCI Dues, Heritage Park and Scholarship checks)
Membership:  Most everyone is current. 28 Regular Members / 6 At-Large / 2 Associate
Frank Hernandez emailed that he needs to drop his membership.

  1. Eyeglass Drop Box – We are moving forward (October is Vision Awareness Month) Chris Gregg has made arrangements to have the box “wrapped” – estimated cost to be $200 or less.
  2. Quarterly Dues – A member questioned the $20 per meal charge for non-regular members. Secretary Stagner provided a handout with breakdown on Meal, LCI & District Dues – plus factoring office supplies, Chamber Membership, etc.
  3. Flag Program – We have 14 unpaid participants – which possibly have moved – for most of them, their emails and phone numbers are invalid. David Shaw has agreed to try to help clear these up. Karen Stagner will place another order for flags – once she gets a current count of what we have at the Journal.
  4. New Project Suggestion – A visit with Santa for HOCTIL families of Children with special needs – Thursday, December 22, Harris Community Center – hosted by Belton Lions. City of Belton will provide the venue at Harris Community Center, Santa Ted and Mrs Claus have volunteered for pictures and visits; Club would provide cocoa, cookies, coloring sheets and crayons.  HOCTIL will provide Vendors to the special needs community and will coordinate with families. Motion for the Club to move forward on this event by John Corsi, 2nd by James Harrison; passed.
  5. Backpacks for CASA of Bell and Coryell County foster kids. Karen Stagner proposed that the Club purchase a minimum of 2 orders of 24 Adventure Trails Backpacks at about $4.00 each.  Then, invite CASA back to lunch to make a presentation.  After a brief discussion, John Corsi motioned that the Club purchase 3 orders of the 24 backpacks; 2nd by Jon Fontenot; passed.
  6. Belton Lions Wall – Secretary Karen Stagner made note to carry forward into the new Lion year, that David Shaw had previously turned in $200 to be used at a future date. During the BOD meeting on March 4, 2021, the Board voted that the $200 would be earmarked for a Memorial Fund – the money is in the Activity Account.  James Harrison, chair for the Heritage Park Memorial Wall will contact David Shaw.
  7. Discussion and voting to participate in HOCTIL Fall Festival again in 2022: Motioned by James Harrison; 2nd by Jon Fontenot; passed.
  8. Discussion and voting to provide Thanksgiving Food Baskets for HOCTIL families: Motioned by James Harrison; 2nd by Jon Fontenot; passed.
  9. Discussion and voting to provide Christmas Food Baskets for HOCTIL families in December.
  10. Discussion on BLC Christmas Party – December 15th – during LUNCH (instead of dinner) – wives and guests welcome. Motioned by Jon Fontenot; 2nd by James Harrison; passed.
  11. Discussion and voting to participate in B.I.S.D. Project HEARTbeat – after a discussion regarding # of families – the project was Tabled until the next Board Meeting.
  12. Club Treasurer: We are still in need of a Club Treasurer. James Harrison suggested that the Club may need to “pay” an outside bookkeeper.  After discussion – no motion was made – no action taken.
  13. James Harrison reminded the Board that many years ago, the Club created a yearly Budget; it was agreed that a Budget would be beneficial. In the absence of a Treasurer, Secretary Stagner provided the President, Vice Presidents & Past President Harrison with a copy of the 2016 BLC budget – to assist them in generating a Budget for 2022-2023.
  14. Secretary Stagner has submitted the tax filing for BLC International Association of Lions Clubs (74-6061832).
    It has been accepted by the IRS.
  15. Plate Spinning Contest – Belton’s Bacon, Blues and Brews Festival (September) – John Corsi has agreed to take the Lead on this and will contact Judy Garrett.
  16. BLC Charter Celebration – John Corsi and James Harrison have agreed to take the lead on this event; it will be held during LUNCH.
  17. Karen Stagner presented a request for consideration to donate in participation for a Donor Wall at UMHB, for the Marek-Smith Center to be built as a state-of-the-art special education training and instructional facility. CEFCO/Fikes made the lead gift of $1 million. Upon it’s completion in the fall of 2023, this facility will serve as the premier center for special education training and instruction to the country (per UMHB). After discussion and questions, Jon Fontenot volunteered to take Lead on this to contact UMHB for more information and will bring the news to our next meeting – no other action was taken.
  18. Still Keeping on the Front Burner:
    Belton Lion Business Cards – Lion Corsi suggested that we have a prize drawing at Charter Celebration for whomever invites (using the cards) the most prospective new members.
    Heritage Park – Belton Lions Wall – Picnic in the Park – James Harrison, coordinator
    Future Boat Race – Danny Dossman, coordinator
    Stampede  – Reese Davis and Brett Beamesderfer, coordinators
    Grand Avenue Movie Theater tickets – James Harrison, coordinator – waiting until after Summer

Adjourned at 1:50pm

Submitted by BLC Club Secretary Karen Stagner

Future Program Assignments:
July 28:  Todd Schiller – Scholarship Presentations
August 4:  Christa Strang
August 11: Chris Gregg
August 18: Danny Dossman
August 25: David Leigh
September 1: Keith Cook
September 8:
September 15: Mac Hickerson
September 22: Rob Potts
September 29: Malinda Golden
October 6 – Jon Fontenot
October 13 – Veronica Logan
October 20 – Todd Schiller
October 27 – Mary Shockley
November 3 – David Tuma
November 10 – Wayne Carpenter
November 17 – Keith Cook (plus HOCTIL deliveries)
November 24 – Thanksgiving (no meeting)
December 1 – Gene Ellis
December 8 – Sam Listi
December 15 – Holiday Celebration at Lunch (plus HOCTIL deliveries afterward)
December 22 –
December 29 –

Meeting – July 21

Sunday, July 24th, 2022

Belton Lions Club – July 21, Noon, The GIN, MEETING MINUTES

Welcome and Call to Order by Lion President Mike Matthews

Members Present Mike Matthews, Brett Beamesderfer, Jon Fontenot, John Corsi, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman, Veronica Loan, Mac Hickerson, James Harrison, Sam Listi, Wayne Carpenter
Guests: Matt Bates (guest of the Club)
Song: by Lion John Corsi
Pledge: by Lion Jon Fontenot
Prayer: by Lion Wayne Carpenter
Exercise: by Lion James Harrison
Joke: by Lion James Harrison – Mom & Daughter conversation about two grey hairs and what caused them; Daughter thinking about Grandma – well … use your imagination …
: by Lion Danny Dossman – What do you call a line of men waiting to go into a barbershop?  A Barberqueue!
Plate Spin by Lion Mac Hickerson

Heritage Park Check Presentation – Lion President Mike Matthews presented our $5,000 annual support check for Heritage Park, to Matt Bates, Director of Parks & Recreation, City Manager Sam Listi, and Mayor Wayne Carpenter.  Matt Bates provided an update on Heritage Park improvements and future plans for development.  Belton Lions are excited for the opportunities and events upcoming at the Park.

Visit from the Chef – The GIN is under new ownership, Travis and Sarah Trumbell.  Their new Professional Chef Jay visited our Club Luncheon to introduce himself and Welcome our Belton Lions Club. 

– Flag Program – David Tuma will get a count on the number of USA flags remaining in the case at the Journal.  David Shaw has been driving the neighborhoods and replacing worn and tattered flags; and is assisting to clear up the few remaining unpaid accounts.
– Eyeglass Drop Box – Chris Gregg reached out to one of his business associates, Signs of Times – they will design and “wrap” the drop box.  Jennah Gliha picked it up on Monday for delivery to Sign of Times.  Placement location in downtown Belton will be determined once the drop box is completed.
– Quarterly Dues Invoices are out – Thank You for prompt payment.
– Scholarship(s) will be presented on July 28th
– Back to School with God event, August 6th – James Harrison Team Leader – sign up sheet was passed around
– BLC Ball Caps – $20 each – who has them?  John Corsi thinks that he may have the remaining inventory of caps.
– Board Meeting after the meeting today

Program:  – Past President Lion James Harrison with “State of the Club” – Thank You!
BLC 2021-2022 State of the Club

Future Program Assignments:
  July 28 – Todd Schiller – William Long and Halley Cox Memorial Scholarship Presentations
August 4 – Christa Strang
August 11 – Chris Gregg
August 18 – Danny Dossman
August 25 – David Leigh

– Keeping on the Front Burner:
Belton Lion Business Cards – keep handing out those cards – inviting prospective new members.
Lion Corsi suggested that we have a prize drawing @ Charter Night for whoever invites (using the cards) the                                             most prospective new members.
Heritage Park Coordinator – James Harrison – Belton Lions Wall – Picnic in the Park
                Future Boat Race Coordinator – Danny Dossman
Stampede Coordinators –Reese Davis and Brett Beamesderfer
Plate Spinning Contest – maybe at Belton’s Bacon, Blues, and Brews Festival (September) – John Corsi
Charter Celebration – maybe have at lunchtime next year.
Grand Avenue Movie Theater Tickets – waiting until after Summer
Club Treasurer still needed

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Meeting – July 14

Sunday, July 17th, 2022

Belton Lions Club – July 14, Noon, The GIN

Welcome and Call to Order by Lion President Mike Matthews

Members Present Wayne Carpenter, Sam Listi, John Corsi, Veronica Logan, Mike Matthews, Karen Stagner, Keith Cook, Mac Hickerson, Mac Harrison
: Molly Miloy & Kevin Kyle, CASA of Bell and Coryell County (speakers)

Song: by Lion Corsi
Pledge: by Lion Listi
Prayer: by Lion Hickerson
Exercise: by Lion Harrison
Joke: by Lion Harrison – Review of new restaurant on the Moon …

Plate Spin by Lion Hickerson

– President Matthews shared Visitation and Funeral information for Lion Joe Brooks and Lion Rob Potts’ son.  Lion Listi passed Sympathy cards for signatures.
– Flag Program – We need to do an inventory update – Secretary Stagner asked to get a count on the flag inventory remaining at the Belton Journal.
– Eyeglass Drop Box – We are moving forward (October is Vision Awareness Month)
– Quarterly Dues Invoices are out – Thank You for prompt payment.
– New Project Suggestion – A Visit with Santa for HOCTIL Families of Children with Special Needs – Thursday, December 22, Harris Community Center – hosted by Belton Lions. City of Belton generously will provide the Venue at Harris Community Center; Santa Ted and Mrs. Claus have volunteered for pictures and visits; Club would provide cocoa, cookies, coloring sheets and crayons.  HOCTIL will provide Vendors to the Special Needs Community and will coordinate with families. Everyone liked the project and it will be presented to the Board next week.
– CHANGE: Scholarship(s) will be presented on July 28th (pending confirmation from families)
– Back to School with God event, August 6th – Lion Harrison provided an update and will have a sign-up sheet at the next meeting.

Program:  – Molly Miloy, CASA of Bell and Coryell County. MISSION: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) of Bell and Coryell Counties serve abused and neglected children by providing a trained volunteer to be the voice for the child’s right to safety in placement, permanence in family life, and a loving home. “Every Child has a Chance … it’s You” (see attached brochure) Thank You!

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CASA of Bell and Coryell County

Meeting – July 7

Friday, July 8th, 2022

Belton Lions Club – July 7, Noon, The GIN

Welcome and Call to Order by Lion President Mike Matthews – 1st Meeting of the New Lion Year!

Members Present: Mike Matthews, Gene Ellis, Sam Listi, David Tuma, John Corsi, Fon Fontenot, Karen Stagner, Billy Conway, Danny Dossman, David Leigh, Patti Powell, Veronica Logan, Mac Hickerson

Guests: Veshall Greene, VP, United Way (speaker)
Song: by Lion Corsi
Pledge: by Lion Fontenot
Prayer: by Lion Leigh
Exercise: by Lion Corsi – shoulder exercises first
Joke: by Lion Leigh
Plate Spin by Lion Matthews

– Remaining Stampede T-shirts – 5 Large, 1 Extra Large, 1 XXLarge – we auctioned them off (Auctioned by Lion Dossman – $20.00 paid by Dossman)
– Flag Program – Picking up new flag participants – special Thanks to David Shaw for new installs before July 4th.
Eyeglass Drop Box – arrived; decals and lettering; painting or wrapping
– Quarterly Dues Invoices – distributed today.
Temple Breakfast Lions Club 30th Anniversary invite, July 7th, pm, Cultivate
– Lion Stagner has donated Hollywood Casino BOOMTOWN Biloxi gift certificates for auction – 1 night stay (Sunday –Thursday) sold for $30-Leigh); $50 Food Credit; 2 Complimentary Rounds of Golf – expiration September 30, 2022. Plus … Lost Oak Winery Certificate Sold for $20-Matthews … Flat Creek Winery Certificate Sold for $30-Fontenot … plus $30.00 to NOT have to go – Tuma paid.

Keeping on the Front Burner:
Belton Lion Business Cards – keep handing out those cards – inviting prospective new members.
Lion Corsi suggested that we have a prize drawing @ Charter Night for whoever invites (using the cards) the                                    most prospective new members.

Heritage Park Coordinator – James Harrison – Belton Lions Wall – Picnic in the Park
                Future Boat Race Coordinator – Danny Dossman
               Stampede Coordinators –Reese Davis and Brett Beamesderfer
Scholarship(s) will be presented in July; with BLC 2021-22 Recap & Heritage Park Check Presentation – July 21st
                Back to School with God Event, August 6th – James Harrison coordinating – see pictures included
Plate Spinning Contest
 – Judy Garrett loves the idea and will keep this in mind for upcoming events – keeping this on the agenda – maybe Bacon, Blues, and Brews Festival.
Charter Celebration – maybe have at lunchtime next year.
Grand Avenue Movie Theater Tickets – waiting until after Summer …           

Program:  – Lion President Mike Matthews invited Veshall Greene, VP, United Way. She provided information on their programs, grants, partnerships, volunteers, 2-1-1 helpline and the many other ways that they serve Central Texas.  Thank You!
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