BLC Meeting Recap – September 7th
Call to Order by Lion
“If it’s Thursday … it’s LIONS CLUB!”
Members Present: Keith Cook, Christa Strang, Mike Matthews, Danny Dossman, Karen Stagner, Sam Listi, James Harrison, Wayne Carpenter, David Leigh, Dwayne Williams, Jennah Gliha
Guest: Dr. Nancy Bonner (speaker)
Song: by Lion Jennah Gliha
Pledge to US Flag: Lion Mike Matthews
Pledge to Texas Flag: Lion Wayne Carpenter
Prayer: Lion President Keith Cook
Joke: College Students didn’t travel on the Mayflower – they came on the Scholar-Ship!
Plate Spin: Lion Mike Matthews – almost as good as the joke
Exercise: Lion James Harrison
Birthdays: No Member Birthdays listed in September
BISD Lake Belton Broncos Thursday Night Game will be live on ESPN2. Let’s all watch; or – be there -and cheer them on.
Christa Strang is cancer free and her new nickname is “semi-colon”. Yea and WooHoo!
The Club has had an email request through LCI from a family for eyeglass assistance for an elderly adult. After discussion, President Cook is going to call the family and get more information; update at the next meeting.
Lions on the Leon Picnic in the Park & Wacky Boat Race – Capt. D and crew are filming PSA (“Pirate” Service Announcements). Watch Facebook for videos. On-Site Sign up sheet passed: Danny Dossman, Karen Stagner, Jon Fontenot, Mike Matthews, Jennah Gliha, Wayne Carpenter, Mac Hickerson, Keith Cook, Christa Strang, Gene & Carrie Ellis have signed up so far. Next Committee Meeting will be Monday, September 11, 6pm, Danny’s house.
Bell County Senior Expo – September 26th – 8am-1pm. John Corsi, Jennah Gliha, Keith Cook, Cree Childs, Christa Strang & Karen Stagner have signed up so far. Wear your BLC t-shirt. Instructions have been emailed to each Volunteer.
Bacon, Blues & Brews Plate Spinning Contest, Saturday, September 30th, Downtown Belton – make plans to help sell People’s Choice Tickets – sign-up sheet passing around. Food Truck Competition is from 11am-1pm. Signed up so far: Cree Childs, Jon Fontenot, Mike Matthews, Danny Dossman, Karen Stagner, Mac Hickerson, Jennah Gliha, David Tuma, Reese Davis, Keith Cook, Wayne Carpenter, Mack Latimer.
BISD Mentor Program for Project HEARTBEAT. Please consider being a mentor for a BISD student in a homeless situation. See Lion President Keith Cook if you are interested.
Program: Thank you, Lion James Harrison for inviting Nancy Bonner, Ph.D.,PMP with University of Mary Hardin–Baylor. It was a treat to hear about all the upcoming events and new developments going on at UMHB – preparing Students for Leadership and Service. They have students that range in age from 15 to 71; they have 6 exchange students from Germany; and they now have online degrees. Thank you! #WeServe
Future Program Assignments:
September 14 – Christa Strang TBD
September 21 – Jennah Gliha – Board Meeting After
September 28 – Danny Dossman
October 5 – David Leigh
Remember, where there is a need, there is a Lion!
Keeping on the Front Burner:
Saturday, October 21st: HOCTIL Fall Festival, 2-4pm, CTCS – Save the Date –goodies and candy
Thursday, December 21st: HOCTIL Christmas with Santa Claus – Harris Community Center
Belton Lions Wall at Heritage Park – James Harrison coordinating
Friends of Belton Lions – James Harrison coordinating
85th Anniversary of the Belton Lions Club – James Harrison is planning a Celebration. James explained that Belton Lions Club first met in 1938; then Chartered in 1939.
2024 Fundraiser Cruise – Carnival Jubilee – January 13-20, 2024 –posted on facebook and on our website