2025 USA Flag Program – Perpetual

2025 Flag Brochure – Order Form 2025 BLC USA Flag Brochure with CC info

It’s encouraging to see the patriotism of so many in our community as you proudly fly the flag of the United States of America.  Thank you for supporting the Belton Lions Club through this program.

The Belton Lions Club asks you to fly the Flag daily.

We no longer pick up the flag at the end of the year. Instead, the flag is be entrusted to your care perpetually.

The flag should be illuminated if displayed at night. If you are interested in purchasing a solar flag-pole light, contact Belton Lions Club for information.  Otherwise, we ask you to take the Flag in each night at dusk, and replace it in the yard each morning at sunrise.
At any time your flag needs attention or replacement from normal wear and tear, please contact the Belton Lions Club.
If you are moving from the area during 2025, please contact the Club to make arrangements for the flag to be picked up.
We ask for your continued support!  Please complete the form and return it with your payment.
From Belton Lions and our families …
May God Bless you, Belton, Texas, and the United States of America!

Belton Lions Club Contact: Secretary Karen Stagner, kastagne@att.net, Phone: 409-750-0102
Website: www.BeltonLionsClub.com           Facebook: Belton Lions Club – Belton, Texas

1/23/2021: Saturday Morning Preparing and Repairing Flags for Belton Lions USA Flag Program – Flags and Fellowship. Our Thanks to Belton Lion(s) Tuma, Shaw, Knight, Dossman, Listi, Stagner, Corsi, Hickerson, and Fontenot for inspecting our inventory of flags – seventy (70) worn or tattered flags were replaced – preparing the inventory for our renewing participants in this USA Flag Program. We WELCOME New Participants – to join; and for more information about our 2021 USA Flag Program, http://www.beltonlions.com

FB Lions Flag Program

NEW CHANGES in the USA Flag Program for 2020

Thank you for your past, present & future participation and support of the Belton Lions Club US Flag Program.  It is encouraging to see the participation of so many in our community, as we proudly fly the flag of the United States of America.

As we are living in uncertain times of shelter-in-place and social distancing, our Belton Lions Club members have decided to expand on the Flag Program with an idea to flood the Belton streets with American flags as a continuing collective statement of courage, unity and hope.

Here’s the plan:

Step 1: Belton Lions Club Members have placed your Flag in your yard, prior to the first normal scheduled day, Memorial Day.

Step 2: The Belton Lions Club asks you to fly the Flag daily during these challenging times.  The flag will be entrusted to your care for the remainder of the year.  Since the flag should be illuminated if displayed at night, we ask you to take the Flag in each night at dusk, and replace it in the yard each morning at sunrise.

The Belton Lions Club will remind you by email the day before a recognized holiday to ensure the flags are displayed – on Memorial Day-May 25th, Flag Day-June 14th, Independence Day-July 4th, Patriot Day-September 11th, and Veterans Day-November 7th.

Step 3: We anticipate all flags will be picked up by the Belton Lions at dusk on November 7th, to secure flags for the Winter.

For current participants in the new 2020 Flag Program, we have reduced the annual program cost from $30 to $25.  We would appreciate payment by July 1, but we understand if you need longer.  Just let us know.

It is you who accomplish the extraordinary in our community. Together, we will fortify hope. Together, we will show our American pride of strength by displaying our flag.  Together, we will get through this.

If you are interested in joining the new 2020 Belton Lions Club USA Flag Program, click on the link for the application.

From Belton Lions and our families …
May God Bless you, Belton, Texas, and the United States of America!


2019 Flag Program


Flag Program 2

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