Archive for January, 2022

Meeting – January 27th

Monday, January 31st, 2022
Belton Lions Club – January 27th, Noon, The GIN
Welcome and Call to Order by Club President Corsi
Members Present: John Corsi, Todd Schiller, David Tuma, David Shaw, Rob Potts, Mike Matthews, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman, James Harrison, Mac Hickerson, Frank Hernandez, Keith Cook, Veronica Logan, Sam Listi, Wayne Carpenter
Guests: District Governor Angela Cases
              Melinda Golden (Speaker)
Jennifer Bailey (Speaker Guest)
              Brett Beamesderfer – Joined TODAY

Song: by Lion Harrison

Pledge: by Lion Matthews

Prayer: by Lion Hickerson

Exercise: by Lion Harrison

Joke of the Day: Lion Dossman – old fashioned simple joke – Johnny/Butter/Window/Butterfly
Plate Spin: Lion Hickerson
 – District Governor Angela Cases took the “Polar Plunge” for her District fundraiser.  We presented her with our pledge of $750.00; PLUS an additional $250 contribution from one of our members – to reach her District fundraising goal of $6,000.

 – Stampede, April 30th: Registration opens January 31st online at Active.

   Sponsor and registration forms are on our webpage – Ride Map, Patti Powell will get our ride map recreated by KPA.  Secretary Stagner urged each member to bring in 1 sponsor at any level.

 – Flag Program – renewal invoices to be sent in January – we reviewed “TEAMS”. New team lists have been created.

 – Effective January 2022 – the GIN has raised the lunch price by $2.00, due to increased supply costs.  The increase will be reflected on the April Invoice/Statements.

 – Fundraiser: Grand Avenue Movie Theatre $20.00 Gift Cards – we have four cards remaining and will order more.

 – Lion President Corsi challenged Belton Lions to pass out the new Business Cards to invite new members
 – Charter Night will be on April 21st

 – January Board Meeting –immediately following lunch

Program:  Lion Todd Schiller invited B.I.S.D. Deputy Superintendent Melinda Golden – with Administrative Executive Director Jennifer Bailey – to present an update on BELTON ISD “From Fast Growth to Accelerated Fast Growth” since 2017; and the future plans for B.I.S.D! Thank You! (Handout attached) 
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Future Program Assignments:
 February 3rd – Christa Strang – Ken Noble, Business Coach
February 10th – Patti Powell – Shannon Gowan, Ronald McDonald House
February 17th – Chris Gregg
February 24th – David Tuma

Belton Lions Club Flag List Assignments (Updated) – If you can, also help, please respond to this email with your offer of assistance.

Route 1: Hickerson/Schiller/Cook – 22 Flags

Route 2: Harrison/Potts – 18 Flags
Route 3: Weaver/Corsi – 6 Flags
Route 4: Griffin/Powell – 8 Flags
Route 5: Leigh/Dossman – 15 Flags
Route 6: Ellis/Listi – 13 Flags
Route 7: Shaw/Shockley – 35 Flags (Shockley takes care of 7 Dunns Canyon Townhomes)
Route 8: Fontenot/Matthews – 27 Flags

Board Meeting – January 20, 2022

Tuesday, January 25th, 2022

Belton Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, January 20th

Members Present: John Corsi, James Harrison, Danny Dossman, Mac Hickerson, Karen Stagner

Called to Order by President Corsi

Thanks to Lion Dossman and Lion Harrison – we still have Chicken Fried Steak on the Menu. Lion Harrison was presented the Menu choices by The GIN for 2022 – Lion Dossman noticed that the CFS was not included on the list.  Lion President Corsi is also going to visit with The GIN about possibly adding Meatloaf back on the Menu.

Review of the Financials –
Dues – everyone is fairly current
General Bank Account – $3,504.18 – Actual Bank Statement with notes; no longer on Spreadsheets.
(General Account is Dues money – used for Operations, District & LCI Dues).
Activity Bank Account – $21,967.77 – Actual Bank Statement with notes; no longer on Spreadsheets.
(Activity Account is fundraising – used for Camp, Eye Exams, etc.)
(January 2021 Foundation Bank Balance was $19,407)
Edward Jones & Raymond James statements given to Lion President Corsi

Discussed optimism for this year’s Stampede – We appreciate our members who Sponsor the Event; as well as members who bring outside Sponsorships to the event.  Every event our Club does brings Community Awareness and strengthens our Club.

We will invite DG Angela Cases and the District Representative of the Texas Lions Camp to our next luncheon meeting – to present them with the giant check for $750.00.  The Club will pay for their lunch.

President Corsi expressed that our Club really needs to push these “Belton Lions Club Invitation Cards”.

The previously approved lunch payment rules will apply.  Possibly initiate a fun internal contest for giving out the most cards – with prizes.

District Invoice for dues, to be paid this week for our 29 Members is:

State Administrative Fund           $3.50
State Promote Texas Fund          $  .25
District Administrative Fund        $3.50
District Convention Fund              $  .38                      $221.27 (from General Account)

Dues for Texas Lions Camp          $10.50                   $304.50 (from Foundation Account)
Dues for SPOT/LEAD                       $1.00                     $29.00 (we do not pay – per Shaw/Bozon)

LCI Invoice for dues, to be paid this week for our 29 Members is:

6 At-Large Members @ $21.50/ea.                           $129.00 (from General Account)
23 Regular Members @ $21.50/ea.                          $494.50 (from General Account)

Belton Chamber of Commerce Membership Renewal    $150.00 (from General Account)

We received an invoice from Belton Eye Care for a pair of glasses.  President Corsi has been working with the lady needing the glasses since before Christmas; and just learned that Belton Eye Care would not give the glasses to the patient until they received a check from Belton Lions Club – check was written at the meeting for President Corsi to deliver right after the meeting.  We get a 25% discount on screenings; not sure about a discount on glasses.  We will get with Lion Shaw, when he returns, about WalMart Eye Care.

Postponing Heritage Park Project – until Fall of 2023 – to allow time for the City to finish roads, bridges, docks, etc …

This Spring in April or May, we will, again, have a Charter Night dinner meeting – Lion Harrison already has it scheduled.

Lion Harrison suggested that we have a Family Picnic for our members and their families in the Fall – Lion Dossman suggested maybe inviting other Lions Clubs.

Lion Stagner suggested that we bring back a Hometown Heroes picnic for First Responders. Lion Dossman suggested that the Hometown Heroes event be a separate event from the Family Picnic.

Lion Harrison suggested doing both events separately with Hometown Heroes maybe in June this year at the Park – serving hot dogs, etc.

Stampede Literature & Logistics:

Lion Harrison has been working on Sponsorships.  We will not have Blue Ridge Ranch or Tri-City Bicycles this year.  Pain Specialists of Austin wants to do the $2,500 Presenting Sponsorship.

King of the Hill Bike Shop in Nolanville wants to help us find sponsors – they want to be our official Bike Shop connected to the Ride.  Lion Harrison will get with the Bike Shop and go with them as they solicit sponsors for our Club.  Their shop is not far from our Ride Route.  Lion Dossman questioned if it might be an option to alter the route; and make the Bike Shop as one of the Rest Stops. Lion Harrison suggested that the Bike Shop host the 1st Rest Stop; and maybe set up a booth at the event.

We need to really look at Highway 95 – so, we will hold off on getting Lion Powell with KPA to redo the maps, until we re-look at Rest Stops and Highway 95 – Lion Dossman texted Lion Powell to hold off.

Lion President questioned Event Insurance.  Lion Harrison assured the Board that the Club Event is covered by LCI because Stampede is an official fundraiser for the Club – we’re covered.

Lion Harrison suggested that we set up a table at Events selling the Grand Avenue Gift cards – with members manning the booth for a couple of hours each.  Lion Dossman suggested that we approach Grand Avenue Theater with an alternate sales plan that would be appealing to the General public; as well as, Belton Lions Club Members – maybe ½ price to the theater; then $15 sale price for a $20 gift card – and maybe $20 for a $25 gift card.  Secretary Stagner cautioned the use of telling people that it’s fully deductible – IRS Rules of where there is a difference between the donation amount and the fair market value; and the $25 receipt rules. We need to look into this.

Tail Twister Fines – Lion Corsi and Lion Dossman discussed “the wheel” and “roll the dice” for fun fines.

Lion Dossman will look into recreating the wheel.  Lion Harrison suggested “brags” jar. Lion Corsi suggested that we mix it up each week to make it more fun & interesting.  One “fine” could even be “lead the singing”.

Our Banners evidently got wet and damaged while in storage at The GIN.  Lion Corsi will take the Banners and their covers to Quality Cleaners after the meeting today – to get them dry cleaned.

Lion Corsi has been reviewing our Membership; and would like us to reach out – making sure our members that we haven’t seen in a while, are okay – keeping in touch.

The Board discussed options for our Lunch location … we will keep our eyes open and ears to the ground.  Concerns – service, timeliness, no substitutions/changes, The GIN has never sponsored/supported our events.  We need to keep our meeting downtown with a variety menu.

Meeting Closed at 58 minutes/10 seconds

Respectfully Submitted by,
Lion Karen Stagner

Meeting – January 20, 2022

Sunday, January 23rd, 2022

Belton Lions Club – January 20th, Noon, The GIN

Welcome and Call to Order by Club President Corsi

Members Present: James Harrison, John Corsi, Wayne Carpenter, Sam Listi, Gene Ellis, Jon Fontenot, Keith Cook, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman, Patti Powell, Mac Hickerson

Guests: Mack Latimer (guest of _________)

              Brett _______ (guest of _________)

Song: by Lion Harrison
Pledge: by Lion Fontenot
Prayer: by Lion Listi
Exercise: by Lion Harrison – starting in the air … “holding” for a message … and … GO!
Joke of the Day: Lion Fontenot … a DAD joke … you had to be there …
– Stampede, April 30th: Registration opens January 31st online at Active.

Sponsor and registration forms – Ride Map (dogs – danger) – Patti Powell will get our ride map recreated by KPA.  Secretary Stagner urged each member to bring in 1 sponsor at any level. Lion Harrison has a “Presenting Sponsor”.

– Flag Program – renewal invoices to be sent in January – we reviewed “TEAMS”. Lion Powell and Lion Cook volunteered to help replace flags (new list included). If you can, also help, please respond to this email with your offer of assistance.

– Effective January 2022 – the GIN has raised the lunch price by $2.00, due to increased supply costs.  The increase will be reflected on the April Invoice/Statements.

– Fundraiser: Grand Avenue Movie Theatre $20.00 Gift Cards – we have four cards remaining and will order more.

– Lion President Corsi passed out Belton Lion Business Cards to invite new members, Thank you Lion Powell for getting the cards – Great Job!

– DG Angela Cases took the plunge for her District fundraiser – our Club will present them with our $750 donation at the next luncheon meeting.
– January Board Meeting –immediately following lunch

Program:  Lion Dossman’s “Surprise” presentation was a fantastic show and tell from the recent Iron Butt 2021 motorcycle rally – an amazing and challenging ride! The Iron Butt Association (IBA) is a US-based organization dedicated to endurance motorcycle riding, which claims membership of over 75,000 people. The IBA is an organization with only one way to earn membership: ride one of the several rides the IBA certifies. The minimum is the Saddle Sore 1000 – 1,000 miles (1,600 km) in 24 hours or less ~ Wikipedia.

Thank you Lion Danny Dossman! (pictures attached)

Future Program Assignments:
 January 27th – Todd Schilller
February 3rd – Christa Strang
February 10th – Patti Powell – Shannon Gowan, Ronald McDonald House
February 17th – Chris Gregg
February 24th – David Tuma

2021-2022 Officers:
President John Corsi
1st VP Mike Matthews
2nd VP James Harrison
Secretary/Treasurer Karen Stagner
Board Member at Large Mac Hickerson
Tail Twister Danny Dossman
Lion Tamer Mac Hickerson
Membership Chair David Shaw
Webmaster Karen Stagner
Historian James Harrison

Belton Lions Club Flag List Assignments (Updated) – If you can, also help, please respond to this email with your offer of assistance.

Route 1: Hickerson/Schiller/Cook – 22 Flags
Route 2: Harrison/Potts – 18 Flags
Route 3: Weaver/Corsi – 6 Flags
Route 4: Griffin/Powell – 8 Flags
Route 5: Leigh/Dossman – 15 Flags
Route 6: Ellis/Listi – 13 Flags
Route 7: Shaw/Shockley – 35 Flags (Shockley takes care of 7 Dunns Canyon Townhomes)
Route 8: Fontenot/Matthews – 27 Flags

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Meeting – January 13, 2022

Saturday, January 15th, 2022

Belton Lions Club – January 13th, Noon, The GIN

Welcome and Call to Order by Club President Corsi

Members Present: John Corsi, Mike Matthews, Jon Fontenot, David Tuma, Karen Stagner, Lou Griffin, Mac Hickerson, Sam Listi, Danny Dossman

Guests: Mack Latimer; Jamie Garrett (speaker)

Song: by Lion Matthews

Pledge: by Lion Fontenot

Prayer: by Lion Hickerson

Exercise: by Lion President Corsi … exercise ???

Joke of the Day: our exercise ???

– January Birthdays: none noted

Stampede, April 30th: Registration opens January 24th online at Active.  New Logo?

Sponsors?  Sponsor and registration forms will be available at the next meeting.

– Effective January 2022 – the GIN has raised the lunch price by $2.00, due to increased supply costs.  The increase will be reflected on the April Invoice/Statements.

– Fundraiser: Grand Avenue Movie Theatre $20.00 Gift Cards – card supply has been exhausted – we will order another set of gift cards.

– Lion President Corsi has asked Lion Patti Powell to look into business Cards to invite new members and get us a price – update postponed until next meeting
 2022 Program Assignment list emailed

– Belton Lions Foundation IRS 990-epostcard filed and accepted – January 10th, 2022

Flag Program – renewal invoices to be sent in January – we need to review “TEAMS”.  Teams list will be emailed to members for review.  Thank you to Lion(s) Fontenot, Matthews, Listi, Potts & Shaw for maintaining flag replacements.

January Board Meeting – next week, January 20th – immediately following lunch

Program:  Lion Harrison invited Jamie Garrett, KISD Radio Broadcasting Director. Great Program on 100 Years of Radio Broadcasting!

Future Program Assignments:
 January 20th – Danny Dossman – this one may be a “SURPRISE”!

January 27th – Todd Schilller

February 3rd – Christa Strang

February 10th – Patti Powell

February 17th – Chris Gregg

February 24th – David Tuma


2021-2022 Officers:

President John Corsi

1st VP Mike Matthews

2nd VP James Harrison

Secretary/Treasurer Karen Stagner

Board Member at Large Mac Hickerson

Tail Twister Danny Dossman

Lion Tamer Mac Hickerson

Membership Chair David Shaw
