Serving Youth: Texas Lions Camp
The Belton Lions Club supports Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, Texas. The primary purpose of the camp is to provide, without charge, a camp for physically disabled, hearing/vision impaired and diabetic children. For information on Texas Lions Camp, visit
Lion President Harrison and Lion Hickerson presented, on behalf of our Club Members, to District Governor Randy Sepulvado and Lions Camp Director Dick Chapin, a $1,000 giant check from our President’s Challenge fundraising, to help offset repair/rebuilding the bunkhouse at Texas Lions Camp, which was destroyed in a March 2020 storm. Great Job Belton Lions!
Official demolition started December 1 for Bunkhouse 2 due to the damage the building suffered from chaotic storms last spring. Bunkhouse Two, home of the Lipan-Apaches, has seen campers for 65 years. The cabin was built in 1955 and served as a haven for campers and counselors to get some well-needed rest for activity-filled days. In its wings, numerous dance parties, gossip sessions, spa nights, and sing-alongs were held. Its is front porch saw final hugs from families to their campers, long talks between counselors, chalk art competitions, and too many sunrises and sunsets to count. For many, it was much more than an old bunkhouse- it was a home. While its cinder block walls will be missed, the destruction of Bunkhouse Two marks an important development in Texas Lions Camp’s future. TLC will begin Phase I of its Master Plan at the end of Summer 2021, and five brand new bunkhouses will be built. This is just the beginning of a brand new future for TLC!
Our Program on Sept. 27th was presented by Dick Chapin, District Representative to the Texas Lions Camp – an informative presentation about the 504 acres in Kerrville. Lions host Children with Special Needs, with nine (9) weeks of swimming, camping, climbing, water sports, animal therapy … all the while creating lifelong friendships and developing greater self esteem and independence.
Weeks 1-5: Physical Disability / Week 6: Children with Down Syndrome / Week 7: Children with Cancer / Weeks 8-9: Diabetes Type 1
Did you know? … As polio ravaged the nation, the Lions of Texas chartered the Texas Lions League for Crippled Children in 1949. The first campers arrived in 1953 and stayed for 2 weeks at a time; and 200 campers attended that first summer session.