Archive for December, 2020

Christmas Baskets 2020

Monday, December 21st, 2020
Caring is Sharing … Christmas Dinner Baskets for families and children with Down Syndrome. Thank you Lion Gary Knight, Downs But Not Out President and Susie Marek, HOCTIL Youth and Family Services Program Manager – for identifying families that we could help this year. Thank You Belton Lions for your generosity and caring hearts!
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2020 Belton Lions Club Christmas Awards Banquet

Monday, December 21st, 2020
Merry Christmas Belton Lions! Thursday evening at the GIN, President Harrison arranged our 2020 Belton Lions Club Christmas Awards Banquet. Wonderful entertainment by piano man, LaRon Tubb! We were joined by District Governor Randy Sepulvado and District Governor-Elect Angela Cases. Good Food and Good Friends … and GREAT Dessert – Birthday Cake for Lion Listi!
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Lion(s) Dossman and Reyes SERVE

Monday, December 21st, 2020
Years of Lion Service: Congratulations and Thank You Lion Danny Dossman for 25 years; and to Lion Michael Reyes for 10 years! District Governor Randy Sepulvado presented each with their Chevron. Thank you for your continuing service!
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Boost Post


Monday, December 21st, 2020
FRIENDS of BELTON LIONS CLUB – During our Club Christmas Awards Banquet Thursday evening, Lion President Harrison presented District Governor Randy Sepulvado with a Club Plaque and designation as an official Friend of the Belton Lions Club. Thank you DG Sepulvado for your Support to our Club!
People Reached
Boost Post

2020 Lion of the Year

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Congratulations to Lion David Shaw – Belton Lions Club Lion of the Year! … for outstanding dedication and service to the Club and to the Belton Community. Lion Shaw was unanimously selected by past Lions of the Year: Danny Dossman, James Harrison and Karen Stagner! Congratulations David!

Image may contain: 4 people, people standingImage may contain: 2 people, people on stage and people standing, text that says 'LIONS CLUB AWAR L LTON LUB LUB JN AS'Image may contain: 3 people, people standing, text that says 'ONS JONS CLUB L I BELTON C ON n TER. KURZWEIL'

Meeting – December 10th

Sunday, December 13th, 2020
Hello fellow Belton Lions – December 10th Lunch Meeting Review
Meeting was called to order by Club President Harrison.
Attendance: James Harrison, Gary Knight, Mac Hickerson, Christa Strang, Todd Shiller, Lou Griffin, Frank Hernandez, Gene Ellis, David Shaw, Quinn Arnaud, Mike Matthews, Sam Listi, Rob Potts, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman
Guest: Cynthia Hernandez, Belton EDC; Judy Garrett, Belton Development and Tourism – Guests of Sam Listi
             Paul Strang – Guest of Christa Strang
Song by Lion Knight
Pledge by Lion Listi
Prayer by Lion President Harrison
Exercise Program:  Thanks to Lion Listi’s reminder – our guests really experienced a “workout”
Joke – a bit of Cajun Humor – something about a 12’7″ ‘Clarence’ / Plate Spin by Lion Hickerson
Announcements –
  – Christmas Dinner on December 17th:  5:30pm Social / 6pm Dinner. Cost for the meal will be $30 per person.  Member meal cost will be absorbed by the Club; spouses/guests can be invoiced to the member for the cost.

Dinner Menu:
Entree: Grilled Boneless Chicken Breast, Chicken Fried Steak, Blackened Catfish
Sides: Home-Style Green Beans, Garlic Roasted Mashed Potatoes
Note: Blacken Catfish is served on a Bed of Rice, not Mashed Potatoes 

District Governor Randy Sepulvado will present 25 year chevrons to Lion Tuma and Lion Dossman and a 10 year chevron to Lion Reyes.
Dress Casual: Lion Dossman provided the Google definition of Smart Casual – Smart Casual is an ambiguously defined Western dress code that is generally considered casual wear, but with smart (in the sense of “well dressed”) components of a proper lounge suit from traditional informal wear.  This interpretation typically includes dress shirt, necktie, trousers and dress shoes, but worn with an odd-coloured blazer or a sports coat instead.  Lion Ellis made an unofficial motion to not observe the provided definition as our Dress for the evening.
 – Board Meeting Review: Future Heritage Park ideas; Wall of Honor at Heritage Park/Special Fundraiser; Credit Card Machines; the proposal to Partner with Rotary and the GIN for upgrading IT; and Membership.
 – Christmas Baskets for Downs But Not Out families – Reminder to bring food donations by next Thursday/the Christmas Party. Most all of the item are “adopted” As a reminder, the List is attached to this email.  Return items by December 17th.  Assembly & Delivery: Friday, December 18th.
 – B.I.S.D. HEARTBEAT Angel Project – Club members adopted Six (6) angel’s Christmas tags (all live under the same roof) Thank you, each, for your caring generosity.  Packages to be delivered to B.I.S.D. immediately after lunch.
 – Belton Lion Ball Caps are in – $20 each and can be invoiced with Dues in January.
Program: Lion President Harrison invited Mayor Marion Grayson (R) to speak with our Club – recapping her time as Belton Mayor.
Grayson served 16½ years on the Belton City Council, … as the city’s first female mayor.
Belton City Manager Sam Listi said Grayson’s legacy will be more than just her breaking the gender barrier for the office. “Mayor Grayson’s time of service to Belton presented important and challenging issues for action and she addressed each one with vision, passion, humor, and grace,” Listi said. “Her legacy will live on for decades to come, and provides an excellent example for us to follow.” ~ Temple Telegram (11/9/2020)

Mayor Grayson took us on a storyboard walk down memory lane … reminiscing the growth and expansion of Parks, Parades, Schools, Businesses, Community … Thank you Marion Grayson!  
(Comments from Mayor Grayson and our guests are attached to this email)

Future Program Assignments:
December 17 – EVENING meeting – Belton Lions Club Christmas Party – DG Sepulvada chevron presentations
December 24 – NO MEETING – Christmas Eve
December 31 – NO MEETING – New Years Eve
January 7 – Gary Knight
January 14 – Doc Weaver
January 21 – James Harrison – Matt Bates
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Board Meeting – December 3, 2020

Tuesday, December 8th, 2020


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Call to Order: Lion President Harrison at 1:00pm

Members Present: President Harrison, Past President Knight, Secretary/Treasurer Stagner, Lion Tamer Hickerson, Tail Twister Danny Dossman

Order of Business:

  1. Fundraisers: Stampede, Flag Program, Heritage Park Event. Starting with the Heritage Park Event – we don’t know yet what this event is going to be – looking at the fall of 2021 – Dossman had an idea about a Duck Race in the River – Matt Bates advised that the City does not have oversight on the Leon River, it is Brazos River Authority and Corps of Engineers, and does not flow through Heritage Park. We may look at “other” options for “Ducks”- maybe 500 ducks in the back of a concrete truck – first duck to hit the ground wins … also, maybe a 5K in the Fall … a Golf Ball Drop (from a crane) … or a Yard Sale at Heritage Park – selling “spaces” to others – also set up and sell hot dogs. Possibly get H-E-B involved. Flag Program: maybe consider not picking them up; every quarter letting them know to let us know if the flag needs to be replaced, to let us know.  Raise price to include flag replacement?  Raise price to include a flag pole light so that the flags can be left out all day and night?  President Harrison will check into the pricing for the pole light – possibly charge $50 per year and leave the flags with the participants year round – delivering in January of 2021.  We need to have a meeting to generate a letter to participants about the renewed program – send out in January – basically starting from scratch on our flag list.  The current list is confusing due to the pandemic participation and non-participation.  We can send out email reminders to participants prior to ALL fly your flag days – reminding them that they need to let us know if their flag needs attention.
  2. Wall of Honor at Heritage Park: President Harrison presented pricing for the heavy bronze plaques – 24”X36” ($2,300) and 18”x 24” ($1,100) from Discussion about Lions members to be honored. Lion Dossman suggested that the one central long narrow plaque would be the “title plaque”; then other plaques (8 ½”x11”) below honoring individual members. We need to have a special fundraiser to raise about $4,000 to complete this project.  This company deals with Lions Clubs all over the World.
  3. Credit Card Machines: A Clover account through First Data – $169.00 start-up/equipment; $4.95 per month; 2.5% Swipe charge; 3.5% keyed charge. Lion President feels that having the ability to charge could possibly help with delinquent dues.  Lion Stagner cautioned that we would need to charge an additional processing fee. Lion Dossman questioned how often we would be using the credit card accessibility.  We have many members who have their dues paid by their employers.  It would be convenient for the bike ride, luncheon guest meals or weekly fundraiser contributions.  The Board made the decision to table the decision – … remaining to keep invoicing items with dues billing.
  4. Split Cost of IT for sound and projection at The GIN: The Rotary Club, the Lions Club and The GIN.

The Board is concerned about investing in a purchase for The GIN.  Rather, it may be in the best interest of the Club to purchase (or borrow from Lion Knight or other members) the equipment for the limited times that we would need for our meetings – possibly purchasing our own laptop; and portable sound system for when we really need it.

  1. Membership: Reviewing the spreadsheet, most of the At Large members do not attend lunch meetings. The Club is pretty much up to date … we will reach out to members, especially “at-large” members.

Meeting Closed at 1:35PM

Meeting – December 3rd

Monday, December 7th, 2020

December 3rd Lunch Meeting Review

Meeting was called to order by Club President Harrison.
Attendance: James Harrison, David Shaw, Jon Fontenot, Gene Ellis, Mike Matthews, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman, Rob Potts, Mac Hickerson, Gary Knight, Christa Strang
Guest: DG Randy Sepulvada, Camp Director Dick Chapin
Song by Lion Knight
Pledge by Lion Strang
Prayer by DG Randy Sepulvada
Exercise Program:  Strenuous Workout!
Joke by Lion Dossman “Clock’d” / Plate Spin by Lion Hickerson
Announcements –
 – Reminder that the Board is meeting immediately following today’s program.
 – Christmas Dinner on December 17th:  As the seating will be limited to 40 people total, sign up sheet was passed again. Cost for the meal will be $30 per person.  Member meal cost will be absorbed by the Club; spouses/guests can be invoiced for the cost.  District Governor Randy Sepulvado will present 25 year chevrons to Lion Tuma and Lion Dossman and a 10 year chevron to Lion Reyes.  All three (3) recipients will be attending.
Dress Casual.
 – Christmas Baskets for Downs But Not Out families – Sign-up sheet passed for food contributions – we still have a few items to be donated – List is attached to this email.  Return items: Thursday, December 10th or December 17th.  Assembly & Delivery: Friday, December 18th.
 – B.I.S.D. HEARTBEAT Angel Project – Six (6) angel’s Christmas tags (all live under the same roof) are available for member adoption – by the end of the lunch meeting, all of the kiddos were adopted.  Wrapped and packaged/bundled gifts are due back by Thursday, December 10th. It was agreed to spend roughly $50 each.
 – Belton Lion Ball Caps are in – $20 each and can be invoiced with Dues in January.
Program –
President Harrison invited District Governor Randy Sepulvado to address the members with a matter of Texas Lions return funding from dues paid for a transferred Texas program (Lone Star Lions Eyebank); the Club voted in favor of the Governor’s Option 1.Texas Lions Camp Director Dick Chapin updated the members on the rebuilding/repair to the bunkhouse at Texas Lions Camp that was destroyed during a storm in March.  Lion President Harrison and Lion Hickerson made the formal presentation of the $1,000 giant check from the President’s Challenge – to DG Sepulvado and Director Chapin.  Great Job Belton Lions!
Future Program Assignments:
December 10 – Lion Harrison – Retired Mayor Marion Grayson
December 17 – EVENING meeting – Belton Lions Club Christmas Party – DG Sepulvada chevron presentations
December 24 – NO MEETING – Christmas Eve
December 31 – NO MEETING – New Years Eve
January 7 – Gary Knight
January 14 – Doc Weaver