Call to Order by Lion Mike Matthews at 1:06pm
Members Present: Danny Dossman, Jon Fontenot, Keith Cook, Mike Matthews, Mac Hickerson, James Harrison, David Shaw, Karen Stagner
Absent: Veronica Logan, John Corsi
NOTE: Called BOARD Meeting was held on Thursday, February 9th; regarding relocating Lions Lunch to Deadfish Grill – starting February 23rd. A quorum was present. President Mike Matthews reported that all of our questions have been answered; and that Deadfish Grill has storage for our Flags, Banners & Stands. Motioned to relocate by James Harrison; 2nd by Jon Fontenot; voted to approve.
Regular Members – 29
Associate Member – 1
Financial Report – Jon Fontenot
January General Account: $2,221.93
January Activity Account: $28,794.84
– Dues and Lunch Pricing – Jon Fontenot – Dues, lunch and non-fundraiser expenses come from General Account. Average 13 weeks per quarter / $15 per week for lunch = $195. Plus, District Dues and LCI Dues twice per year. Our current dues are $150 per quarter. The Club also pays for Speaker lunches and District Officer Guest lunches. We have 29 regular members; and average 20-22 members per week at lunch. After a lengthy discussion, Danny Dossman made motion to raise quarterly dues to $180; 2nd by Mac Hickerson; passed. April 1st billing will be $180.00 per quarter. Jon Fontenot will provide the Club with a full breakdown at a near future lunch meeting; and will announce the increase.
– USA Flag Program – Karen Stagner – update on payments – just under 50% paid. Karen questioned whether the Board wanted her to email the “reminder”; or postal mail. After discussion, it was decided to mail the invoices.
– Belton Lions Wall at Heritage Park – James Harrison coordinating – plans are progressing.
– Moving Eyeglass Collection Box – this was tabled at the January Board Meeting – left tabled.
– Banner Stand and Specialty products – John Corsi and Jon Fontenot – this was tabled at the January Board Meeting – left tabled.
New Business:
– James Harrison announced that he would like to plan a 2024 Benefit Cruise, coordinating with Your Travel Agent – Belton. The cruise would be of no cost to the Club – Carnival matches a contribution built into the individual reservation for the cruise. Cruise would also include transportation to and from Galveston from Belton.
Motion to move forward with the cruise plans by Jon Fontenot; 2nd by Karen Stagner; passed.
– James Harrison would like to have Business Cards to use as he solicits sponsors for Picnic in the Park. Karen Stagner will make the cards for him.
Meeting Closed at 1:30pm
Club Metrics Reported to LCI
People Served: 852
Service Activities Completed: 11
Volunteer Hours: 252 (includes hrs for Service Activities only)
Funds Donated: $7,350
Funds Raised: $1,400