Archive for February, 2021

Meeting – February 25

Saturday, February 27th, 2021

Meeting was called to order by Club President Harrison.

Attendance: James Harrison, Gene Ellis, David Shaw, Mike Matthews, Jon Fontenot, Karen Stagner, David Leigh, Lou Griffin, John Corsi
Guest: DG Randy Sepulvado
Song by Lion Leigh, in lieu of Lion Corsi – you had to be there …
Pledge by Lion Fontenot
Prayer by DG Randy Sepulvado
Exercise Program:  We really needed it – after two weeks without our BLC exercise!
Joke – A story about an old man and “soup” / Plate Spin by President Harrison

Announcements – 
 – belated Happy Birthday to Lion Fontenot; and early Birthday wishes to Lion Corsi – all together in song.
 – Board Meeting scheduled for next meeting (March 4) – one topic will be the new LCI event and insurance rules.
 – Stampede is coming right along – only two months away!
 – Reminder: Belton Lion Ball Caps are available – $20 each
Presentation –
Lions Club International has instituted a program “New Voices” to acknowledge Lion Service.  DG Randy Sepulvado nominated Lion Karen Stagner; and presented her with a framed award from LCI – Thank You!
Stampede Update –
 – DG Randy Sepulvado presented the Club with a Point Man Sponsorship – funded by himself; and District 2-x3
 – We have six (6) registrants: 2-12 mile; 2-30 mile; 1-50 mile; 1-55 mile – this is about normal for this time.
 – Secretary Challenge: Prize is a hand-made fused & stained glass kaleidoscope to the Club Member that brings in the most number of Sponsors – regardless of level – minimum to qualify = five (5).
Name Badges –
 – Name Badges are being ordered – everyone will have a name badge – list is attached to this email.
– Existing badges 3 ½” / New badges 2 ½”
– Occupation is required field on new badges – please advise preferred occupation listing
Facebook Member Focus –
 – Each month, we will spotlight one member – photo, who they are and why they are a Belton Lion.
 – Who’s Who form is attached to this email and will be available at lunch meetings.
BLC Lions Club Vests –
 – Gold Lion vests are available to order @$39.95 each, plus shipping (includes Club personalization on back).
 – Vest information is attached to this email and will be available at lunch meetings.
 – Optional: After your vest is received – we can have your name embroidered, above the patch – locally.
USA Flag Program –
 – As of February 25th, we have received 98 renewals (roughly half from 2020 have renewed.
 – 2nd Reminder letter (email) was sent Saturday 2/6/2021 (116 emails)
 – Soft roll-out delivery of USA flags begins today.  Each week, a new updated list will be provided for each route.
 – Lion Shaw offered support and advice for any “new” installs.
 – The Club ordered and has received an additional inventory of 50 USA flags.  Lion Stagner will have these available – when needed.
 – Packets of order forms, solar light information and rubber bands will be available at lunch meetings.
 – Lion Shaw and Lion Stagner will be point of contact for questions or assistance.
Disc Golf Event –
 – Belton Lions will have a food service during the event at the Lions Pavilion.
 – Jim Hudson is planning to join the Club and should be providing weekly updates.
 – The National Event is scheduled for March 19-21, 2021.
Future Programs –
 March 4 – Lions Club History Lesson, by DG Randy Sepulvado
 March 11 – Lou Griffin – TBD
 March 18 – Michael Matthews – TBD
 thumbnail1thumbnail2March 25 – Danny Dossman – TBD

Board Meeting Minutes – February 4, 2021

Monday, February 8th, 2021

Thursday, February 4, 2021
Call to Order: Lion President Harrison at 1:00pm

Members Present: President Harrison, Secretary/Treasurer Stagner, Lion Tamer Hickerson, Tail Twister Danny Dossman, Past President Shaw

Guest: Buddy Hickerson

Order of Business:
Guest Meals

Discussed whether invited guest (who join the Club) should be paid by the inviting member. After discussion, it was decided that the policy would be: if the guest joined the Club on their first visit – their lunch would be part of their own dues; otherwise, the inviting Lion should pay for the guest’s lunch.  It was also discussed and decided that a guest – not personally invited by one of our members – should be expected to pay for their own lunch $15.00.

Member Focus on Facebook

Discussion and decision was made to highlight one member each month on Facebook.  Secretary Stagner will contact each member for a picture and a quote “Why I am a Belton Lion” – and “Who they are” and “Occupation”.

USA Flags

Secretary Stagner requested authorization to purchase additional flags for inventory.  Lion Dossman guessed that we have about 25 flags left in inventory. The Board discussed and approved.

Flag Program Ad in Belton Journal

B/W 6”x9” placed in the Journal for 2/4/2021; 2nd same ad will be in 2/11/2021 edition; then Feature Article on 2/18/2021.  Secretary Stagner is seeking information regarding the history of the Flag Program.  President Harrison reminded all that one of our most distinguished members – Lion Dennis Holle originated the idea for the Flag Program.  President Harrison and Secretary Stagner will set an interview appointment with Lion Tuma for the Feature Article.

Stampede Sponsorships

  1. As of this date: Tri-City Bicycles, Covington Real Estate, Dossman Funeral Home, Invoices out to John Corsi State Farm; and Mike Matthews ABC Pest Control. President Harrison has several prospects and will keep us updated.
  2. Secretary Stagner will start posting FB “Thank You” ads for the Stampede Sponsors.
  3. Secretary Stagner will generate the donation request paperwork for President Harrison to take to
    H-E-B, Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club – to use for Stampede Snacks, Drinks, Food and Supplies.

Stampede Posters

President Harrison advised the Board that he is going to have Paper Graphics generate a poster for the Stampede and has offered to pay for it.  Once completed, the poster will be presented to the Board for design approval.

Member Name Tags and Yellow Vests

Name Tags were discussed and decision was made for the Club to purchase name tags that we need from Lions International; and encourage all members to wear them during the meeting – Tail Twister will monitor and respond accordingly.  Yellow Vests were discussed – the Board consensus was to encourage members to purchase and wear the vest – especially if the Club is at a public event.  Members can order directly; or the Club can order and invoice the member with their dues.

Easter Food Baskets

Secretary Stagner suggested that the Club add Easter Food Baskets for five (5) HOCTIL Families of Children with Special needs as another one of our Club Projects.  The members donate and contribute all of the food, the baskets and the decorations – there is no cost to Club. The decision was made to add this to our annual projects.

Event Budgets

President Harrison is generating budgets for our fundraising events – based on past and current income and expenses.

William Long and Hallie Cox Scholarships – two (2) $1,000 scholarships

President Harrison and Secretary Stagner asked Lion Todd Schiller to be our Scholarship Chair.  He agreed and will contact Associate Lion Ted Smith to coordinate.  Applications are due back to Counselors Office by May 1st.

Delinquent Club Members

Unpaid At-Large members’ accounts were reviewed.  Most regular members are up to date … the few in arrears will be contacted by President Harrison.

Meeting Ended at 1:46pm

Respectfully Submitted by Lion Secretary Karen Stagner

Meeting – February 4, 2021

Monday, February 8th, 2021

Hello fellow Belton Lions – February 4th Lunch Meeting Review

Meeting was called to order by Club President Harrison !

Attendance: James Harrison, Todd Schiller, Mike Matthews, Jon Fontenot, Sam Listi, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman, Frank Hernandez, Davis Shaw, David Tuma, Robb Potts, Christa Strang, Mac Hickerson

Guests: Buddy Hickerson – Guest of Mac Hickerson; and Guest Speaker Jason Fossett, Belton High School Head Boys Basketball Coach

Song by Lion President Harrison
Pledge by Lion Fontenot
Prayer by Lion Listi

Exercise Program:  Roaring with Expression!

Joke – Lion Dossman – controlling the moment / Plate Spin by Belton Lions Official Plate Spinner Lion Hickerson!

Announcements –

1.  Stampede Bike Ride 2021 Update by President Harrison – remaining as 10th Annual.
    a. First email to previous riders will be emailed out this week.
    b. Club Secretary Challenge: Prize is a hand-made, one-of-a-kind fused & stained glass kaleidoscope (pictured below) – for the Club member who brings in the most number of Bike Ride sponsors – regardless of sponsor level.  Minimum number of sponsors to qualify is five (5) – regardless of sponsor level. Deadline for sponsor submission will be Friday, April 2nd.  Award will be presented on April 8th.
Challenge competition standing as of today:
Lion Dossman – 1 sponsor / Lion Corsi – 1 sponsor / Lion Matthews – 1 sponsor
    c. Ride Map has been reviewed and approved – Thank you Lion Shaw.

2.  Flag Program:
    a. As of 2/1/2021 – we have received 59 renewals – $1,270.00
    b. Reminder email to past participants will go out this weekend
    c. Plan is to start rolling out the flags starting Saturday, February 20th
3.   Facebook Suggestion Made:  Create FB event for the weekly lunch meeting – so those using FB can “check-in” on arrival – increasing Belton Lion exposure and awareness to FB friends.
4.  President Harrison presented Lion David Tuma with a Chevron commemorating his 25 Years of Lion Service!  Congratulations!


Program – Lion Schiller invited Jason Fossett, Belton High School Head Boys Basketball Coach, to give us an update. Great presentation on Belton Tiger Sports and accomplishments … headed for the playoffs … Thank You!
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