Archive for March, 2022

Meeting – March 24, 2022

Sunday, March 27th, 2022
Belton Lions Club – March 24th, Noon, The GIN

Welcome and Call to Order by President Corsi

Members Present:  John Corsi, Rob Potts, Danny Dossman, Jon Fontenot, Mike Matthews, Karen Stagner, David Tuma, Veronica Logan, David Leigh, Mac Hickerson, Frank Hernandez, Keith Cook, Lou Griffin
Guests:  Andrew Forrester, BISD (guest of Lion Hernandez); Jerald Gould (speaker)
Song: by Lion Matthews
Pledge: by Lion Fontenot
Prayer: by Lion Logan
Exercise: by Lion Corsi
Joke:  Lion Matthews – old man on a bicycle – “Papa Wheelie”

Plate Spin: Lion Hickerson – outstanding spin

Welcome New Member – Robert Cavazos  (next week)


 – Stampede, April 30th: Online Registration is open. Past Riders will be emailed again 1st week of April. Sponsor, Ride Maps and registration forms are on our webpage.  As of today (over a month out), we have 14 riders signed up.

 – Flag Program – Lion Malinda Golden has volunteered to work with Lion Griffin on Route 4.

 – Reminder: Quarterly Dues will now be $150.00 – invoicing 1st week of April.

 – Belton Lion Business Cards – keep handing out those cards – inviting prospective new members.

 – Charter Night will be on April 21st – there will not be a lunch meeting on the 21st.

 – The Club will return to having a separate Secretary and a separate Treasurer for the 2022-2023 year.
Lion Stagner will remain as Secretary.  Please consider volunteering to serve as Treasurer.  Our new year begins on July 1st.
 – Easter Food Baskets for HOCTIL families – sign up list at March 31st meeting.
Program: Lion Hernandez invited Jerald Gould, Veterans Employment Liaison, Texas Veterans Commission – their Mission: To advocate for and provide superior service to Texas veterans, and to significantly improve the quality of life for all Texas Veterans and their Families – through Representation and Counseling; Employment Services, Education, Financial Assistance.  Programs offered: Health Care Advocacy, Entrepreneurial, Women Veterans, and Mental Health.  Great Presentation – Thank You!

Future Program Assignments:

 March 31st – Veronica Logan – King of the Mountains Cyclery – Bike Shop / Board Meeting after Lunch

April 7th – Wayne Carpenter – Coleman Hampton, Director of the Bell County Museum

 April 14th – Keith Cook 
 April 21st   – Charter Night (No Noon Meeting)

April 28th – Stampede Meeting +++++++

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Meeting – March 17, 2022 St. Patrick’s Day

Sunday, March 20th, 2022

Belton Lions Club – March 17th, Noon, The GIN

Welcome and Call to Order by President Corsi

Members Present:  John Corsi, Mack Latimer, Reese Davis, Rob Potts, Danny Dossman, Jon Fontenot, Mike Matthews, Karen Stagner, David Tuma, Patti Powell, Veronica Logan, David Leigh, Patti Powell, Wayne Carpenter, Mac Hickerson

Guests:  Billy Conway (guest of Karen Stagner)
Song: by Lion Matthews
Pledge: by Lion Davis
Prayer: by Lion Hickerson

Exercise: by Lion Corsi
Joke: Lion Dossman – had to do with Age, Leprechauns & Rainbows – you had to be there.

Plate Spin: Lion Hickerson

Welcome New Member – Robert Cavazos  (next week)


 – Stampede, April 30th: Online Registration is open. Past Riders will be emailed again 1st week of April. Sponsor, Ride Maps and registration forms are on our webpage.

– Flag Program – We need a volunteer to work with Lion Griffin on Route 4.

 – Reminder: Quarterly Dues will now be $150.00 – invoicing 1st week of April.

 – Belton Lion Business Cards – keep handing out those cards – inviting prospective new members.

 – Charter Night will be on April 21st – there will not be a lunch meeting on the 21st.

 – The Club will return to having a separate Secretary and a separate Treasurer for the 2022-2023 year.
Lion Stagner will remain as Secretary.  Please consider volunteering to serve as Treasurer.  Our new year begins on July 1st.
Program: Lion Fontenot invited Amy Yeager, the new Bell County Public Health Director – what a delightfully informative presentation. She comes to us from Penn State & St. Louis; with a wealth of community involvement, education and experience … and now calls TEXAS home!  Welcome and Thank You!

Future Program Assignments:

 March 24th – Frank Hernandez – Jerald Gould, Veterans Employer Liaison, Texas Veterans Commission

March 31st – Veronica Logan / Board Meeting after Lunch
April 7th – Wayne Carpenter
April 14th – Keith Cook
April 21st – Stampede Meeting ******

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Meeting – March 10

Friday, March 11th, 2022

Belton Lions Club – March 10th, Noon, The GIN
Welcome and Call to Order by Club President Corsi

Members Present: John Corsi, Gene Ellis, Brett Beamersdorfer, Sam Listi, David Shaw, Jon Fontenot, Mike Mathews, Frank Hernandez, Karen Stagner, Wayne Carpenter, Rob Potts, Mack Latimer, Todd Schiller, Mac Hickerson

Guests Mike Anderson (guest of Wayne Carpenter), Robert Cavazos (joining today), Judy Garrett (speaker) 
Song: by Lion Hernandez
Pledge: by Lion Fontenot
Prayer: by Lion Hickerson
Exercise: by Lion Matthews – Good Vibrations!
Plate Spin: Lion Hickerson

Welcome New Member – Malinda Golden – 1st VP Lion Matthews officiated the oath.


 – Stampede, April 30th: Online Registration is open. Riders are signing up.  Past Riders will be emailed again 1st week of April. Sponsor and registration forms are on our webpage – Ride Map.

 – Flag Program – Renewals are still steadily coming in. Club Secretary has re-invoiced the unpaid participants.  Note:  We need a volunteer to work with Lion Griffin on Route 4.

 – Reminder: Effective January 2022 – the GIN has raised the lunch price by $2.00, due to increased supply costs.  The increase will be reflected on the April invoice statements. Quarterly Dues will now be $150.00.

 – Belton Lion Business Cards – keep handing out those cards – inviting prospective new members.

 – Charter Night will be on April 21st – there will not be a lunch meeting on the 21st.

 – Secretary/Treasurer Lion Stagner has requested that for the new July 1st year Officers, the Club return to having a separate Secretary and a separate Treasurer – citing the numerous new members that could help with the organization of the Club.  Lion Stagner would like to remain Secretary; and will assist in training/familiarization for the new Treasurer during the interim. 

Program: Lion Matthews invited Judy Garrett, CVB/Retail Development, City of Belton. Great presentation about business, growth and opportunities in the City – from the always exciting ~ ever amazing Judy Garrett.  You had to be there!  Thank You!

Future Program Assignments:
 March 17th – Jon Fontenot – Amy Yeager, the new Bell County Public Health Director
March 24th – Frank Hernandez – Texas Veterans Commission (working) 
 March 31st – Veronica Logan
April 7th – Wayne Carpenter
April 14th – Keith Cook
April 21st – Stampede Meeting ******

2021-2022 Officers:
President John Corsi
1st VP Mike Matthews
2nd VP James Harrison
Secretary/Treasurer Karen Stagner
Board Member at Large Mac Hickerson
Tail Twister Danny Dossman
Lion Tamer Mac Hickerson
Membership Chair David Shaw
Webmaster Karen Stagner
Historian James Harrison

Belton Lions Club Flag List Assignments (Updated) – If you can, also help, please respond to this email with your offer of assistance.
Route 1: Hickerson/Schiller/Cook – 22 Flags
Route 2: Harrison/Potts – 18 Flags
Route 3: Weaver/Corsi – 6 Flags
Route 4: Griffin/_______ – 8 Flags
Route 5: Leigh/Dossman – 15 Flags
Route 6: Ellis/Listi – 13 Flags
Route 7: Shaw/Shockley – 35 Flags (Shockley takes care of 7 Dunns Canyon Townhomes)
Route 8: Fontenot/Matthews – 27 Flags
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Meeting – March 3rd, 2022

Sunday, March 6th, 2022

Belton Lions Club – March 3rd, Noon, The GIN
Welcome and Call to Order by Club President Corsi

Members Present: John Corsi, Mack Lattimer, Brett Beamesderfer, David Shaw, Jon Fontenot, James Harrison, Mike Matthews, Rob Potts, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman, Frank Hernandez, Keith Cook, Christa Strang, Lou Griffin, Mack Hickerson

Guests:  Randy Pittenger, Kevin Koontz, Reece Davis

Song: by Lion Harrison                      Pledge: by Lion Fontenot

Prayer: by Lion Hickerson                  Exercise: by Lions Corsi & Harrison

Joke of the Day:  “The Plate”            Plate Spin: Lion Hickerson


Welcome to our newest Member … 2nd VP Harrison officiated the Oath to Swear in Reece Davis


– Happy March Birthday to Lions Fontenot and Strang

– Stampede, April 30th: Online Registration is open. Riders are signing up.  Past Riders have been emailed.

Sponsor and registration forms are on our webpage – Ride Map. The Club thanked Lion Harrison for his dedicated efforts to secure Sponsors – He has surpassed his original goal and is currently at $4,550.

– Flag Program – Renewals are still steadily coming in. Club Secretary will invoice the uppaid participants.

– Reminder: Effective January 2022 – the GIN has raised the lunch price by $2.00, due to increased supply costs.  The increase will be reflected on the April Invoice/Statements.

– Lion President Corsi has been handing out our Belton Lion Business Cards to prospective new members, and two of them should be joining the Club soon.

– Charter Night will be on April 21st

– Zone Meeting – tonight in Salado

February Board Meeting recap:

Discussed Eye Exams and how they are vetted.  The Board feels that we may want to meet with Helping Hands Community Clinic to vet adults; and the BISD school clinics to vet children; before they come to the Belton Lions for financial support of their eye exams and eye glasses.

Lion Harrison suggested that the Club create a budget for the exams and other projects.  The Board agreed that the Club should probably limit; or set $500.00 annually for eye glass budgeted support.

Secretary/Treasurer Lion Stagner requested that for the new July 1st year Officers, the Club return to having a separate Secretary and a separate Treasurer – citing the numerous new members that could help with the organization of the Club.  Board members will be reaching out to some of the other members for a volunteer Treasurer.  Lion Stagner will assist in training/familiarization during the interim.

The Board discussed Dues amounts; considering the increase in lunch pricing from The Gin.  Lion Harrison motioned to raise the Club dues to $150 per quarter; 2nd by Lion Matthews & Lion Dossman.  After discussion, the motion was approved to make the quarterly Club dues $150.00.

Program: Lion Corsi has invited Randy Pittenger, Belton Area Chamber of Commerce – providing the Club an overview of the “glorious growth sounds” in town, the recent Awards Banquet Awardees; and they are reaching out for suggestions for this year’s 4th of July Parade Theme and Grand Marshall.  During his presentation, he invited Lion Jon Fontenot to approach the podium – presenting him with a Belton Community Partner coin award.  Congratulations and Thank You!

Future Program Assignments:
 March 10th – Mike Matthews invited Judy Garrett, CVB/Retail Development, City of Belton
March 17th – Jon Fontenot
March 24th – Frank Hernandez

2021-2022 Officers:
President John Corsi                                     1st VP Mike Matthews
2nd VP James Harrison                                 Secretary/Treasurer Karen Stagner
Board Member at Large Mac Hickerson      Tail Twister Danny Dossman
Lion Tamer Mac Hickerson                            Membership Chair David Shaw
Webmaster Karen Stagner                            Historian James Harrison

Belton Lions Club Flag List Assignments (Updated) – If you can, also help, please respond to this email with your offer of assistance.
Route 1: Hickerson/Schiller/Cook – 22 Flags             Route 2: Harrison/Potts – 18 Flags
Route 3: Weaver/Corsi – 6 Flags                                Route 4: Griffin/Powell – 8 Flags
Route 5: Leigh/Dossman – 15 Flags                           Route 6: Ellis/Listi – 13 Flags
Route 7: Shaw/Shockley – 35 Flags (Shockley takes care of 7 Dunns Canyon Townhomes)
Route 8: Fontenot/Matthews – 27 Flags

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