Archive for July, 2009

Meetings: 2009 “The Program” and Worst Tie Award

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

The best program to date was brought to us by Belton High School’s head swimming coach, Mike Burt (pictured below).  He was very honored to be “The Program,” an honor he will take back to the high school and share with the football coaches – because in his book, the swim program at BHS is “The Program.”

In addition to a splashing good time with our program, we had a worst tie competition.  The picture on the left shows Lion David Tuma staring at his tie trying to figure out how to spell it.  But alas, our winner was Lion Jones, who got to pay our Tail Twister (Lion Street) a fine for the honor.

Meetings: 2009 Scholarship Recipiant and Program of the Year (POTY) Nominee

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

We had our Belton Lion’s Club Scholarship recipient in the audience today, Lauren McKeen pictured above.  You can tell that she was speechless in witnessing the spectacle that is the Lion’s Club.  Our program, brought to us by Lion Joe Wiener, is our first nominee for the prestigious POTY award, which is pictured below.  To top off such a wonderful meeting, Lion Larry Montgomery has proven that he is definately in the running for worst joke teller with his joke about baRocky Road Ice Cream.

Events: 2009 July 4th Belton Lion’s Club Parade Entry

Monday, July 13th, 2009

Here is a great pic taken by our own Lion Joe Baisden of our “National” Award Winning Parade Entry.

Events: 2009 July 4th National Award Winning Parade Entry

Friday, July 10th, 2009

The Belton Lion’s Club band was awarded with the “Best Sound” trophy based on our entry in the “Nationally Recognized” Belton 4th of July Parade.  Accepting the award on behalf of the Lion’s Club was our band director, James Whitis, pictured with Lion David Leigh presenting the trophy.



After recieving the award and maintaining posession of it for all of 10 seconds, he returned it to the club.  Since we don’t have an official Club House in which to display this wonderful trophy, we are now looking for volunteers to proudly display this prize.

Events: 2009 4th of July Kickoff Barbeque (2009)

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009
Beauty Queens

Beauty Queens

We kicked off the 4th of July Celebration with the annual barbeque at Yettie Polk Park.  Seen here is Lion Stephanie O’Banion and our beauty queens. . . Speaking of. . . see a few of our own below: