Welcome and Call to Order by Club President Harrison
Members Present: James Harrison, Sam Listi, Mike Matthews, Jon Fontenot, John Corsi, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman, Rob Potts, David Shaw, Christa Strang, Mac Hickerson
Song let by Lion Corsi
Pledge led by Lion Hickerson
Prayer by Lion Listi
Exercise Program: just showing off for our new District Governor
DG Angela Cases (guest of Lion Harrison)
Matt Bates, Interim Public Works Director, City of Belton
James Grant, Interim Parks and Rec Director, City of Belton
Buddy Hickerson (guest of Lion Hickerson)
Jenna Gliha (guest of new member Lion Chris Gregg)
Zone Meeting, August 19th – hosted by Belton Lions – 6pm, The GIN – there will be fabulous PRIZES!
Belton Lions Christmas Party, December 16th at The GIN
“Back to School with God” event, August 7th, 10am-2pm – call for VOLUNTEERS
Board Meeting is scheduled for August 12th
Installation of 2021-2022 Belton Lions Club Officers, with District Governor Angela Cases presiding
Installation of new member Chris Gregg, officiated by Lion President Harrison
Presentation of Belton Lions annual commitment for Heritage Park – $5,000 check – to Sam Listi, Matt Bates and James Grant. See Heritage Park Scoreboard Photos. Heritage Park Scoreboards
Program: “State of the Club” – “Year in Review” Report, by President Harrison. 2020-2021 Belton Lions Club Year in Review
Remarks by District Governor Angela Cases – Words of Achievement and Future Plans for Acts of Kindness.
“Running Forward to SERVE”
Future Program Assignments:
July 29: “Back to School with God” event, Jay Taggert, Methodist Men; Lion Lisle Meeker, Temple Breakfast Lions; and Spot Vision Machine Operator – final planning session for the event.
August 5 – Lion Sam Listi
August 12 – Lion Jim Hudson – PLUS – Board Meeting
August 19 – Zone Meeting – 6:00pm – at the GIN (no lunch meeting on the 19th)
August 26 – Lion Lou Griffin
September 2 – Lion Rob Potts
September 9 – Lion Frank Hernandez
(Note: Matt Bates & James Grant (lunch paid); Gina Gliha (lunch paid); Buddy Hickerson (lunch paid); Christa Strang (dues paid) – $215 deposited 7/26/2021.