Thursday, January 7, 2021
Call to Order: Lion President Harrison at 1:00pm
Members Present: President Harrison, Secretary/Treasurer Stagner, Lion Tamer Hickerson, Tail Twister Danny Dossman, Vice-President Corsi, Past President Shaw
Guest: District Governor Randy Sepulvado
Order of Business:
Stampede Bike Ride
- Sponsors– President Harrison will start recruiting sponsors today; and reviewed the sponsor form. With the pandemic, large sponsor supporters may be difficult to find. President urged everyone to push for the Supporter and Friend categories. It is highly recommended that sponsorship money accompany the application – we want to discourage “invoicing” for sponsorships unless absolutely necessary. District 2×3 pledged a $250 sponsorship for the Ride
Flyers, Posters and Publications will list your Company as “Presenting” the event. Your Company logo will be incorporated into the Stampede Logo on the front of the t-shirts, posters and social media. Your Company can set up an outdoor sales/display booth. Major visibility in all publications, public services advertisements and print materials.* Four (4) complimentary entries into “Cycle for Sight”
$1,000 Trail Boss
Major visibility in all publications, public services advertisements and print materials.* Announcement of Sponsorship during Event Kick-off Large Company Logo on event t-shirt, Your Company can set up an outdoor sales/display booth. Four (4) complimentary entries into “Cycle for Sight”
$500 Chuck Wagon
Visibility in all publications, public services advertisements and print materials.* Medium Logo on back of event t-shirt, Two (2) complimentary entries into “Cycle for Sight”
$250 Pointman
3rd Tier logo on back of event t-shirt, acknowledgement on Social Media, Two (2) complimentary entries into “Cycle for Sight”
$150 Wrangler
Company name listed on back of t-shirt, Acknowledgement on Social Media, One (1) complimentary entry into “Cycle for Sight”
$75 Belton Lions Club Supporter
Acknowledgement on Social Media, One (1) complimentary entry into “Cycle for Sight”
$50 Belton Lions Club Friend
Acknowledgement on Social Media & Grateful Appreciation
- Invoices from Paper Graphics: We have received invoices for the logo artwork. President Harrison will pay personally if need be. The Board decided that was not necessary, the Club will pay as an expense against the Stampede Bike Ride.
- District Governor Sepulvado recommended that we alter the brochure to more highlight the Belton Lions activities; and what we use “fundraised” money to support. Once the form is approved by the Board, Club Secretary will post on the Belton Lions website and will set-up the ride on the Active on-line registration website – should be done this weekend. District 2×3 will put the brochure in the District Newsletter – possibly spurring more sponsorships and, hopefully, registrations.
- President Harrison suggested that we have posters made this year … as we formerly did for the ride. Chad at the Bike Shop also feels that a poster would be good – per President Harrison. It would be great if we could get some of this printing free … or underwritten.
- Ride Refreshments: We normally have hot dogs available at the end of the ride. President Harrison brought up “in-kind” sponsorships for morning snacks and lunch. Lion Shaw highlighted that much of the supplies are already customarily donated – he will check back in his records. Lion Dossman questioned upgrading the lunch through in-kind – possibly sacrificing a cash sponsorship. It was agreed that the riders like the hot dogs; and the grain bars, donuts and kolaches. We will, again, seek out donations from Church’s, Shipley’s, H-E-B, WalMart, Sam’s Club and others. DG Sepulvado will provide contact names and companies that have grant money available. Club Secretary will pursue – including Extraco and Wilsonart.
Meeting Closed at 1:20PM