Thursday, December 3, 2020
Call to Order: Lion President Harrison at 1:00pm
Members Present: President Harrison, Past President Knight, Secretary/Treasurer Stagner, Lion Tamer Hickerson, Tail Twister Danny Dossman
Order of Business:
- Fundraisers: Stampede, Flag Program, Heritage Park Event. Starting with the Heritage Park Event – we don’t know yet what this event is going to be – looking at the fall of 2021 – Dossman had an idea about a Duck Race in the River – Matt Bates advised that the City does not have oversight on the Leon River, it is Brazos River Authority and Corps of Engineers, and does not flow through Heritage Park. We may look at “other” options for “Ducks”- maybe 500 ducks in the back of a concrete truck – first duck to hit the ground wins … also, maybe a 5K in the Fall … a Golf Ball Drop (from a crane) … or a Yard Sale at Heritage Park – selling “spaces” to others – also set up and sell hot dogs. Possibly get H-E-B involved. Flag Program: maybe consider not picking them up; every quarter letting them know to let us know if the flag needs to be replaced, to let us know. Raise price to include flag replacement? Raise price to include a flag pole light so that the flags can be left out all day and night? President Harrison will check into the pricing for the pole light – possibly charge $50 per year and leave the flags with the participants year round – delivering in January of 2021. We need to have a meeting to generate a letter to participants about the renewed program – send out in January – basically starting from scratch on our flag list. The current list is confusing due to the pandemic participation and non-participation. We can send out email reminders to participants prior to ALL fly your flag days – reminding them that they need to let us know if their flag needs attention.
- Wall of Honor at Heritage Park: President Harrison presented pricing for the heavy bronze plaques – 24”X36” ($2,300) and 18”x 24” ($1,100) from Discussion about Lions members to be honored. Lion Dossman suggested that the one central long narrow plaque would be the “title plaque”; then other plaques (8 ½”x11”) below honoring individual members. We need to have a special fundraiser to raise about $4,000 to complete this project. This company deals with Lions Clubs all over the World.
- Credit Card Machines: A Clover account through First Data – $169.00 start-up/equipment; $4.95 per month; 2.5% Swipe charge; 3.5% keyed charge. Lion President feels that having the ability to charge could possibly help with delinquent dues. Lion Stagner cautioned that we would need to charge an additional processing fee. Lion Dossman questioned how often we would be using the credit card accessibility. We have many members who have their dues paid by their employers. It would be convenient for the bike ride, luncheon guest meals or weekly fundraiser contributions. The Board made the decision to table the decision – … remaining to keep invoicing items with dues billing.
- Split Cost of IT for sound and projection at The GIN: The Rotary Club, the Lions Club and The GIN.
The Board is concerned about investing in a purchase for The GIN. Rather, it may be in the best interest of the Club to purchase (or borrow from Lion Knight or other members) the equipment for the limited times that we would need for our meetings – possibly purchasing our own laptop; and portable sound system for when we really need it.
- Membership: Reviewing the spreadsheet, most of the At Large members do not attend lunch meetings. The Club is pretty much up to date … we will reach out to members, especially “at-large” members.
Meeting Closed at 1:35PM