Board Meeting – April 18, 2024

BLC April BOARD Meeting Recap – April 18, 2024

Call to Order by Lion President Keith Cook at 12:59pm
Members Present: Mark Bellomy, Jon Fontenot, Mike Matthews, Danny Dossman, Karen Stagner, David Shaw, John Corsi, Keith Cook, Jannah Gliha
Absent: Christa Strang, James Harrison, Reese Davis
Guest: Bree Vlam
Membership Report – Karen Stagner – Handout of Dues Accounting – Discussion
Membership Chair John Corsi will contact Harper-Talasek; Jon Fontenot will keep in contact with Representative from Bell County Health District; Steve Smith has moved – we will drop him from membership.
Total Members 43

Treasurer Report –
   General Account – $ 11,006.43
Foundation Account – $ 35,268.72
  Raymond James Account – $11K +
Edward Jones Account – $23K +

Old Business:

– Membership Milestone Awards –The Board agreed that Milestones will be in five (5) year increments; starting at 10 year membership. –John Corsi and Jennah Gliha – plaques are planned to be presented at the last meeting in the 2023-2024 year. Secretary will provide a Report of each member’s length of membership.

– Club President’s plaques – the Board approved to present “Gavel Plaques” to all BLC Presidents (including Past Presidents) that are still active in the Club. Ordered on April 5th . Plaques are received; the Board agreed to present them at the 85th Anniversary Celebration.

– Club Excellence Award – to be eligible for this year, incoming Board Members must complete online training; and the Club must do a new Service Project – Jennah and Bree will organize a Clean-up on the Creek – clean up date has been set with Parks Dept and City for Saturday, May 11th – they will reach out to VFW and/or American Legion to partner with us.

– Meredith Duke, Duke Realty / Leadership Belton Class of 2024 – Welcome to Belton Sign – have we not received an invoice yet for the pledged $500.00.  

New Business:

New LCI Portal – everyone needs to go online and renew their login within the new portal – lots of great information about the Club there.

– The New LCI Portal contains video on-line training for officers and members.

Texas Lions Camp WEEKEND, Tuesday, July 23rd???– do we want to look into renting a van for everyone to go together to Graduation?  President Cook will double check the dates.  The Club will pass an interest sign-up sheet to decide if it will be beneficial to rent a van to travel to graduation.

Texas Lions Camp Work Weekend – President Cook will find out the possible dates for our Club to participate in a work weekend.

Friends of Belton Lions – would the Club want to consider two additional Friends of Belton Lions: Hugh Shine and Judy Garrett. Secretary Stagner expressed for James Harrison that he would like to consider the District Governor for a “Friend” designation because of her assistance with Charter Night.  After discussion, the Board agreed (motioned by Danny Dossman; 2nd by Jon Fontenot) to make Hugh Shine and Judy Garrett “Friends of the Club”, based on their on-going and multi-attendance at meetings; participation in multiple events; as well as, their general support for the Club throughout the year.

– It has been suggested that the Club Secretary email the Board meeting Agenda, Membership info and Treasurer’s Report to Board Members instead of printing copies each month – discussion …after discussion, it was agreed (motioned by Jon Fontenot; 2nd by Mike Matthews) that the Board Meeting Order of Business and Treasurer’s information will be emailed to the Board prior to the meeting, as opposed to print copies.

– Mark Bellomy presented that Business Network International meets every Tuesday morning at 8:00am, Church of Christ on Hwy 317; they offer no charge membership to non-profits; he suggested that we might want to join the Network.  After discussion, we will present this to the membership at our next meeting to see if anyone wants to be our BLC representative to join.

Stampede on the Chisholm Trail – after discussion regarding Sponsors, etc.; it was agreed that we need to schedule a logistic and planning Stampede Meeting Soon.  John Corsi will get with Brett Breamesderfer.

– Danny Dossman suggested that the Club might consider having a 5K Run/Walk on the morning of; and prior to kicking off the Wacky Boat Race Event.  Danny Dossman and Mike Matthews will look into the route to create a 3.1 mile (5K) route.

– Danny Dossman also suggested that the Club might want to look into scheduling a Garage Sale for this year.

Possible locations for the sale would be American Legion or VFW… more discussion at our next meeting.

Holding to a Later Date:

– Update on Cadence Bank – CD and other –we should have the CD purchase complete by the end of March. 
David Shaw – Deployment bags are requested for our Adopted Unit – tabled until Lion Shaw is able to provide details.
– Belton Lions Wall at Heritage Park – James Harrison coordinating
– LEO – Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity

Motion to close: 1:26pm

Submitted by Belton Lions Club Secretary Karen Stagner

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