Meeting – Thurs., Feb. 8th, 2024

BLC Meeting Recap – Thursday, February 8, 2024
Call to Order by Lion President Keith Cook
“If it’s Thursday … it’s LIONS CLUB!”

Members Present: John Corsi, Mike Matthews, Jon Fontenot, Karen Stagner, Bree Vlam, Jennah Gliha, Billy Conway, Jose Salas, Keith Cook, James Harrison, Rob Potts, Wayne Carpenter, Larry Berg, David Tuma, Veronica Logan, Sam Listi
Guest: Paul Strang (sub for Christa), Kitti Corsi, Donna Shriner, Sherry Ogden (BISD Guest Speakers)
Song: by Lion: Bree Vlam
Pledge to US Flag: Lion Jon Fontenot
Pledge to Texas Flag: Lion John Corsi
Prayer: Lion Sam Listi
Joke: Lion Billy Conway – why did the chicken cross the road? … so he could show the armadillo how …
Plate Spin: Lion Mike Matthews
Exercise: Lion James Harrison
Birthdays: February – 2/8 Mack Latimer (affiliate); 2/12 Jennifer Bailey; 2/20 Jon Fontenot; 2/22 Bree Vlam; 2/26 John Corsi

– Lion David Shaw – recently posted on facebook about his health issues regarding speaking and eating – please keep him and his family in your prayers.  He will answer texts; but cannot answer calls.  We will get him his 10 Year Milestone Chevron Award.
– Lion Reese Davis will be away from the Club for a while – possibly for the next quarter – as he helps John Farwell at work.
– Lion Danny Dossman is having surgery today on his hand and arm to repair some of the nerves – prayers for a speedy recovery.
– We continue to keep Lion Lou Griffin and his family in our prayers for peace and comfort, after the passing of his wife, Joyce.
– Charter Night (May 3rd) – James Harrison update from Committee Meeting, 11:30am, Thursday, Feb. 8th, a new sponsor was added today; the meal will be plated; it’s going to be a great celebratory event for the 85th.
– Wacky Boat Race – Danny Dossman has scheduled a Committee Meeting for Monday, Feb. 12th to get started with Boat Race Plans.
– Stampede (June 8th) – Sponsor Forms are available / Please try to get at least one Sponsor for the Event. (handout)
– LEO Club Update – They are planning Service Projects for the students to get involved in the Community; and are open to suggestions for service opportunities.
– New Member Applications – Nick Valentine; Jose Salas; Larry Berg – all three (3) will be inducted next week 2/15.
– February Board Meeting – February 15th, after lunch.

Program: Thank you, Lion John Corsi, for inviting our guest speakers; Kitty Corsi, Special Programs Coordinator for BISD, Donna Shriner, Transition Specialist with BISD and Sherri Ogden, Director of Special Education. These wonderful ladies run the DELTA 18+ Transition Program through Belton ISD! DELTA supports students with special needs transitioning to adult independent living and life! Thank y’all for the positive impacts y’all are making at BISD

If there is a need, there is a Lion

Future Programs:
February 15 – Karen Stagner, Luke Potts and Brady Serafin, Cedar Crest Hospital
February 22 – Brett Beamesderfer
February 29 – Mike Matthews – Marek Smith Center Update (tentative)
March 7 – David Shaw/Mike Matthews – Jo Dyer, Belton Parks & Rec – Eclipse 2024
March 14 – Christa Strang
March 21 – James Harrison

Thank Guests for Coming!
Remember, where there is a need, there is a Lion!

Keeping on the Front Burner:
– Texas Lions Camp – we have a camper for the July 23rd Weekend.
– Stampede Date Update from Meeting (Brett Beamesderfer, Reese Davis, Jennah Gliha, Bree Vlam, Veronica Logan, Christa Strang, Karen Stagner, John Corsi) – Date changed to June 8th.
– Charter Celebration – (James Harrison, Cri Childs, David Leigh, Rob Potts, Mark Bellomy, John Fontenot) 85th Anniversary of the Belton Lions Club – Belton Lions Club first met in 1938; Chartered April 21st 1939. Celebration scheduled for Friday, May 3rd in the evening.  Lion Harrison advised that we have two sponsoring underwriters; and are urging others to sponsor; members and guests will be sponsored.  He plans to invite District Dignitaries to join us as our guests.
– Plate Spinning Winner Presentation
– Belton Lions Wall at Heritage Park – James Harrison coordinating
– Friends of Belton Lions – James Harrison coordinating
– James Harrison announced that Temple Founders Club member, Mr. Hightower, would like our Club to consider partnering with them for their annual Follies fundraiser event.

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