BLC Meeting Recap – January 26, 2023
Call to Order by Lion President Mike Matthews
Members Present: Mike Matthews, Sam Listi, Reese Davis, John corsi, Wayne Carpenter, David Shaw, Brett Beamesderfer, James Harrison, Dwayne Williams, Jon Fontenot, Veronica Logan, Keith Cook, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman, Billy Conway, David Tuma, Mac Hickerson, Lou Griffin, Steven Smith
Guest: Buddy Hickerson (guest of Mac Hickerson); Van Welch, UMHB Safety Director (guest of Jon Fontenot)
Song: by Lion(s) John Corsi & Reese Davis
Pledge to US Flag: Lion Jon Fontenot
Pledge to Texas Flag: Lion Keith Cook
Prayer: Lion Lou Griffin
Exercise: Lion James Harrison …
Plate Spin: Lion Mac Hickerson
Joke(s): Lion Dossman – Valentine’s / Flame / Perfect Match; Bed Bugs / Love Bugs / Springs
Presentation: President Mike Matthews presented James Harrison an LCI Award Key for Membership Growth. Thank You.
Induction: Lion James Harrison administered our Oath to new member Steven Smith! Welcome!
Program: Crazy Boat Races, by Danny Dossman. October 7th in conjunction with Picnic in the Park.
Danny gave an overview of the plans and ideas formed at the recent Committee Meeting. The next Committee Meeting will be Monday, January 30, 6pm, at Danny’s home. Maybe “Lions on the Leon Boat Race”. We need someone to design a logo – volunteers?
Picnic in the Park will take place October 7th, in conjunction with the Boat Races – James Harrison.
Dues and Gift Card invoices have been emailed or postal mailed – please pay promptly
Update on Flag Program – renewal invoices have been sent – payments are steadily coming in.John Corsi has a t-shirt/polo shirt quote from Patti Powell/BeOne; – blue shirt, gold artwork; order sheet passed around – $12 each – Order will be placed by the end of February.
Marek-Smith Training Center Donor Wall – Secretary Stagner suggested that the BLC sponsor a $2,500 contribution to show support and secure a listing on the Donor Wall. The Board agreed to present a sign-up pledge sheet at the next lunch meeting. Danny Dossman pledged $100.00 and is challenging each member to match his pledge (which he has already matched himself)…or more. It was agreed that the pledges should not be invoiced with dues. Pledge sheet passed around.
Stampede Coordinators – Reese Davis and Brett Beamesderfer On-line Active website is usually set-up in January to open for registrations. Stampede is April 29th 2023. Committee Meeting scheduled for 2pm Sunday, January 29th at the home of Karen Stagner.
Future Program Assignments:
February 2 – Mike Matthews – Bell County Commissioner Russell Schneider
February 9 – David Shaw
February 16 – James Harrison
February 23 – Lou Griffin
Keeping on the Front Burner:
Heritage Park Coordinator– Belton Lions Wall – James Harrison coordinating
Banner Stand and Specialty products to give away. John Corsi will get with Patti Powell about pricing for the Banner Stand; and Jon Fontenot will put together ideas and pricing from one of his vendors. Information to be presented at the next Board Meeting.