Board Meeting – January 19, 2023

Belton Lions Club – January 19, 1pm, The GIN, Board of Directors Meeting

Welcome and Call to Order by Lion President Mike Matthews
Members Present: Mike Matthews, James Harrison, Mac Hickerson, John Corsi, Danny Dossman, Karen Stagner
Membership Report:
  Dues Report: handout – payments are steadily coming in.
Member Report:
Regular Members – 27 / Affiliate Member – 1 / At Large Member – 7 / Associate Member – 1
Treasurer’s Report: to be reported when Treasurer returns
General Account:
Activity Account:
Edward Jones Investments: $22,941.68
Gunter Financial Investments: $10,592.06

Moving Eyeglass Collection Box – tabled until February
Marek-Smith Training Center Donor Wall – We will bring this out at the next meeting – taking pledges to reach a goal of $2,500 to get Belton Lions Club Foundation name on the donor wall at the Marek-Smith Training Center at UMHB.
Boat Races – 1st Committee Planning Meeting will be Monday, January 23, 6pm, at the home of Danny Dossman.
Stampede – 1st Committee Planning Meeting will be next week – information will be emailed.
Picnic in the Park – James Harrison has a Committee; Picnic in the Park will be held in conjunction with the Boat Races on October 7th.
Wall of Honor – James Harrison presented a picture proposed location for the Wall. John Corsi motioned to accept the location; Mac Hickerson 2nd; motion passed.  James will proceed with getting the cost to present to the Board.
T-Shirts – John Corsi has secured a price for blue Belton Lions T-Shirts, with gold lettering – for the Club to have a uniform look at events.  Sign up sheet for ordering will be passed starting at the next meeting – T-Shirt price will be $12 each.  Motion by Danny Dossman; 2nd by Karen Stagner; passed. We will order them from BeOne Marketing, Patti Powell.
Banner Stand and Specialty Products – John Corsi will continue to look into this.  Motion to table by John Corsi; 2nd by Danny Dossman; tabled.

Meal system at The GIN – Mike Matthews and Danny Dossman will check into pricing and logistics for lunch at Deadfish Grill.
Thursday, February 23rd – the GIN has rented our room out to another organization – we will need to meet elsewhere.
Cinema Gift Cards for Speakers – David Leigh has offered to provide a $20 gift card to Grand Avenue Theater – each week – to include in the Speaker Mug.  Anyone else wanting to include something in the mug is welcome.
Scholarship for Charter School Students – Karen Stagner received an email question about whether our Scholarships were available to Charter School Seniors.  After lengthy discussion, it was determined that the current two Scholarships are specifically for BISD students.
Caps for Cancer – bottle caps (District) – Karen Stagner will get with Linda Vaughn to find out more about the bottle cap program and report at the next meeting.
Projects from General Account vs Foundation Account – Karen Stagner will get with District to get clarification for the Donor Wall; and for the Heritage Park Wall of Honor.  

Meeting Adjourned at 1:55pm

Service Metrics from LCI for Belton Lions Club / July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023 Y-T-D
People Served: 852
Service Activities Completed: 11
Volunteer Hours: 252
Funds Donated: $7,350
Funds Raised: $1,400

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