Belton Lions Club – August 18, 1pm, The GIN, Board Meeting
Call to Order by Lion President Matthews at 12:50pm
Members Present: Danny Dossman, John Corsi, Mack Hickerson, Jon Fontenot, Karen Stagner, Mike Matthews
Dues Report: Progressing Payments / Received: $1,950 / Outstanding: $1,650
Activity Account Report: $26,398.59
General Account Report: $3,783.93
Raymond James Investments: $10,464.55
Edward Jones Investments: $23,029.06
Old Business
– Danny Dossman opened discussion on the open position of Treasurer. After discussion regarding paying an accountant – which would be a cost to the General Account, it was decided to continue to pursue a volunteer member Treasurer. Jon Fontenot offered to take the position; providing partnership with the Secretary position to re-divide and define each position duties. The nomination, and if elected, swearing in, will be made at the next general membership lunch meeting. This move will leave one of the Vice President’s position open for nominations. Thank you Lion Jon Fontenot!
– John Corsi will reach out to Judy Garrett about adding a Belton Lions Plate Spinning Contest at the September Belton Blues, Bacon and Brews Festival and will report at the next meeting.
– John Corsi will bring vests and ball caps to the next meeting for sales.
– Mike Matthews will reach out to CASA of Bell and Coryell Counties to invite them to the September 8th lunch meeting – this will be the program where the Club will present them with the 72 backpacks for their foster kiddos.
– Jon Fontenot has reached out and left messages regarding the “Donor Wall at UMHB for the Marek-Smith Center for special education training and instruction”, without return call. He will continue to try to contact them.
New Business
Joint Project Proposal with Kiwanis, Optimists & Rotary: The Club received an email from John Hewko, General Secretary, Rotary International about a proposed joint service week with Kiwanis Intl., Lions Clubs Intl., and Optimist Intl. – during the week of September 11-17. They are looking for ideas for a joint project in Belton. Cynthia Hernandez, Belton EDC, forwarded the proposal to our Club. After discussion, Secretary Karen Stagner will reach out to Cynthia with our interest in participating. Update will be provided at the next lunch meeting.
Meeting Closed at: 1:21pm