Thursday, August 12, 2021
Call to Order: Lion President Harrison at 1:11pm
Members Present: President Harrison, Secretary/Treasurer Stagner, Lion Tamer Hickerson, Tail Twister Danny Dossman, Past President Shaw, Vice President Matthews
Order of Business:
Investment Account
The Board discussed moving the Edward Jones Investment Account – as Gary Knight is no longer a member of the Club. We currently have two investment accounts: Gunter Financial and Edward Jones.
After discussion, the Board decided to table this; to do some research into other investments.
President Harrison will send a letter to Gary Knight.
President Harrison was approached by Jennifer Ryder with High 5 Hot Dogs; she expressed an interest in handling the hot dogs for our annual bike ride – if approved, President Harrison would find a sponsor.
The Board discussed that we usually have plenty of support and volunteers at the ride; consensus was that we should keep the hot dogs “in-house”; and that we would approach High 5 Hot Dogs for our Picnic in the Park vendors.
Budget for Club Projects
President Harrison presented PROJECTED proposed budgets for our four major fundraisers:
- Flag Program: Income / $6,000; Expense / $1,000; Net = $5,000
- Stampede: Income / $10,000; Expense / $3,000; Net = $7,000
- Heritage Park Picnic: Income / TBD; Expense / TBD; Net = $TBD (Lion Dossman volunteers to chair this Committee)
- Benefit Cruise: Income / $3,000; Expense / $500; Net = $2,500
Note: Benefit Cruise totals divided in Half.
Club Meal Policy
- The Board agreed to keep the policy that if a guest joins the Club on their 2nd meeting – there will be no charge to the host member who invited them.
- The Board agreed that the cost for lunch for Lion dignitaries visiting the Club would be absorbed by the Club.
Memorial Wall of Honor at Heritage Pavilion
- The Board Discussed having individual plaques for each Lion honored – agreeing that it would be more personal and easier to add honorees in the future.
- The Board also agreed to move forward with the project now – using funds that we raised already.
Financial Report / Delinquencies
Financials have been reviewed; and Dues are in good shape.
Meeting Closed at 1:40 PM