BOARD MEETING – Belton Lions Club
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Call to Order: Lion President Harrison at 1:00pm
Members Present: President Harrison, Vice President John Corsi, Secretary/Treasurer Stagner, Lion Tamer Hickerson, Past President Shaw
Guest: None
Order of Business:
Guest Meals (Amended 4/1/2021)
Discussed whether invited guest (who join the Club) should be paid by the inviting member. After discussion, it was decided that the policy would be: if the guest joins the Club “before the inviting member’s next billing cycle” – their lunch would be part of the new member’s own dues; otherwise, the inviting Lion will be invoiced for the guest’s lunch. It was also discussed and decided that a guest – not personally invited by one of our members – should be expected to pay for their own lunch $15.00.
President Harrison will coordinate with Lion(s) Shaw and Corsi to order the t-shirts.
We should have the final count soon – deadline to qualify for a rider shirt has passed.
As President Harrison will not be here for the Stampede, the $200 in H-E-B gift cards and the $75 WalMart Gift Card were given to Lion David Shaw – to purchase what is needed for the Stampede.
“Friend of” Plaque for Matt Bates
President Harrison will pay for the plaque; it will be presented to Matt Bates on Charter Night. Matt Bates and his wife will be guests of President Harrison.
William Long and Hallie Cox Scholarships – two (2) $1,000 scholarships
Lion Todd Schiller – Scholarship Chair. Applications are due back to Counselors Office by May 1st.
BLC Memorial Fund
The Board discussed setting up a J/E account to begin funding this project – 10% of the final net on our fundraisers; plus David Shaw’s $200; and upcoming Tail Twister fines.
Cooking Vests with the Lions Logo
Lion Stagner made motion that the Club purchase eight (8) of the official Lions Cooking vests from LCI; 2nd by Lion Corsi; approved.
Election of Officer/Nominations
Nominations are open – most Officers will stay the same … additional nominations and election at the next meeting.
President James Harrison
1st Vice President John Corsi
2nd Vice President – Mike Matthews (agreed after the Board Meeting)
Past President Gary Knight
Secretary Karen Stagner
Treasurer Karen Stagner
Belton Lions Club Sweetheart – Vacant
Board Member at Large – (currently Doc Weaver)
Tail Twister Danny Dossman
Lion Tamer Mac Hickerson
Webmaster Karen Stagner
Membership Chair – David Shaw
Bank Card(s)
Treasurer Stagner requested Board authorization to get at least one Bank Debit card on each account. Lion Shaw made the motion; 2nd by Lion Hickerson; approved.
Meeting Ended at 2:00pm
Respectfully Submitted by Lion Secretary Karen Stagner