August 27th Meeting Recap:Meeting was called to order by Club President Harrison.Attendance: James Harrison, David Tuma, Karen Stagner, Gene Ellis, Sam Listi, John Corsi, David LeighGuest: noneSong by Lion Harrison / Pledge by Lion Corsi / Prayer by Lion LeighExercise: with and by Lion President Harrison (Dexterous Workout)Joke of the Day: Lion Leigh delivered a couple of “puns” (cracked the Club up – see picture)Announcements– Lion Listi announced that the City of Belton has been awarded a $750K grant from Texas Parks and Wildlife – for Heritage Park improvements – WooHoo!– Secretary/Treasurer updated members that several of the “unpaid” Flag Program participant’s have paid.– Our local Grand Avenue Theater is scheduled to re-open Thursday, September 3rd.Program: Our Program on the 27th was presented by Dick Chapin, District Representative to the Texas Lions Camp. This was an informative presentation about the 504 acres in Kerrville, where we host Children with Special Needs, with nine (9) weeks of swimming, camping, climbing, water sports, animal therapy … all the while creating lifelong friendships and developing greater self esteem and independence.Weeks 1-5: Physical Disability / Week 6: Children with Down Syndrome / Week 7: Children with Cancer / Weeks 8-9: Diabetes Type 1Did you know? … As polio ravaged the nation, the Lions of Texas chartered the Texas Lions League for Crippled Children in 1949. The first campers arrived in 1953 and stayed for 2 weeks at a time; and 200 campers attended that first summer session.(see attached Texas Lions Camp brochure and camp layout map .pdf)Future Program Assignments:September 3 – Lion Dossman – Belton High School Football Head Coach Brett Sniffin
September 10 – District Governor Randy Sepulvado / Board Meeting to FollowSeptember 17 – Lion Harrison – Chad Welch, Tri-City Bicycles
September 24 – Lion Harrison – State Representative Hugh Shine
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