Board Meeting – September 19, 2024

BLC September BOARD Meeting Recap – September 19, 2024

Call to Order by Lion Jennah Gliha at 1:02pm
Members Present: Jennah Gliha, Jon Fontenot, Todd Schiller, David Shaw, John Corsi, Mike Matthews, Karen Stagner
Absent: Danny Dossman, Keith Cook, James Harrison
Guest: none

Membership Report – Karen Stagner – Dues payment handout

  Re-Visit Unpaid Members –
  Veronica Logan will be moved to member at large; and invoiced for past District, State and International dues that we have paid.
  Amy Yeager will be moved to member at large; and invoiced for past District, State and International dues that we have paid
  JT Grimm will be moved to member at large; and invoiced for past District, State and International dues that we have paid
  Rafael Salas, Montgomery Chiropractic, has resigned – may come back at a later date
  Stacie Price will be removed
  (all changes will occur with the October 1st 2024 1st Quarter ((July thru September)) Dues Invoicing)

Total Active Members – 38

Treasurer Report –
   General Account – $ 10,737.35
   Foundation Account – $ 32,653.39
   Edward Jones – August $23,624.47
   Raymond James – August $11,480.16
Old Business:
– Flag Program – (handout) which flags have been picked up? Secretary will get with Flag Team.  Year ended with 16 unpaid flags
New Business:
– Fall Festival for Children with Special Needs – Saturday, October 19th 2-4pm – we will need candy and give-aways. John Corsi motioned to approve $75 to purchase candy; 2nd by Mike Matthews; approved.  Jon Fontenot and Belton FD will provide give-aways.
– Specialty Products: We found Lions squeeze toys; Jon Fontenot motioned to approve a budget of $300 for the Club Secretary to spend on Lion give-aways; 2nd by John Corsi; approved.  Karen will present suggestions at the next Board meeting.
– Club 1st Vice President: After discussion, the Board agreed to present Jon Fontenot as 1st Vice President, effective immediately; and to present current President Jennah Gliha as Treasurer, effective July 1st, 2024.  Upon member approval and election, Jon will serve out the remainder of the 2023-2024 Lion year as 1st VP and as Treasurer.  He will start transitioning Jennah at banks, etc. starting in May of 2025.
 Holding to a Later Date:
– Membership Milestone Awards – Will we be presenting these at Christmas?  The Board agreed that Milestones will be in five (5) year increments; starting at 10 year membership. – John Corsi and Jennah Gliha.  Secretary has provided a Report of each member’s length of membership. – No discussion at this meeting
– Friends of Belton Lions – additional Friend of Belton Lions: Hugh Shine has been approved – plaque has not been made – we need to schedule his lunch visit.
– Update on Cadence Bank – CD and other – on hold
– David Shaw – Deployment bags are requested for our Adopted Unit – tabled until Lion Shaw is able to provide details.
– Belton Lions Wall at Heritage Park – James Harrison coordinating
– LEO – Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity

Motion to close: 1:20pm

Submitted by Belton Lions Club Secretary Karen Stagner

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