Meeting – August 8, 2024

BLC Recap – Thursday, August 8, 2024
Call to Order by Lion Past President Mike Matthews
“If it’s Thursday … it’s LIONS CLUB!”

Members Present: Keith Cook, Jon Fontenot, Mike Matthews, Danny Dossman, Karen Stagner, Billy Conway, James Harrison, Mac Hickerson, Rob Potts, Brett Beamesderfer, Nick Valentine, Larry Berg
Guest: Chris Gregg (substitute for Jennah Gliha); Ron Ducharme (speaker) and Speaker’s Guest Michelle
Song: by Lion James Harrison
Pledge to US Flag: Lion Keith Cook
Pledge to Texas Flag: Lion Jon Fontenot
Prayer: Lion Larry Berg
Joke: Speaker Ron – something about a snake – two guys – just a baby got a rattle …
          Lion Danny Dossman – why are fire trucks red?  … you’ll have to look it up …
Plate Spin: Lion Mac Hickerson
Exercise: Lion Birthdays: August – Lou Griffin (8/1); Mike Matthews (8/3); Malinda Golden (8/23) 


– FD Chief Jon Fontenot provide a handout about the upcoming CERT emergency preparedness training; and urged members to sign up ( handout: CERT Handout_20240810_0001 )

– August 22nd – Rebecca Phillips, Senior HR for Belton, has invited the Club to participate as a vendor promoting the Wacky Boat Race to City Employees/Departments at Belton’s first Employee Conference.  Do we want to set up a booth for the Club – promoting the Club and promoting building a Wacky Boat to compete? Yes, Danny Dossman & Karen Stagner volunteered.

– August 24th – Rob and Margaret Chadwick are retiring from Eldred’s Nursery. Anyone interested in going to the event, please let the Secretary know.  They are trying to keep it a surprise.

– Kathleen Brown, wants to speak at Lions Club – soon – promoting an upcoming annual Cancer Survivor Retreat, September 20-22, at Summers Mill.  She is aware that she cannot solicit a donation.  She is speaking at Temple Breakfast Lions next week.  She can either do the full program; or a brief intro/announcement before a regular program.  Secretary will check with Cree Childs to see what he has planned for the 22nd.

– Zone Meeting – BLC hosting – Thursday, August 29th – James Harrison is going to head up planning.  Sign up sheet next week.

– Bell County Senior Expo, September 24th, 8am-1pm, Exposition Center – the members have agreed to, again, provide volunteers to help staff the event hosted by the Belton Journal.  Sign up sheet next week.

– Lions on the Leon – All forms and flyers are posted on our Belton Lions Club webpage –Please “like” and “share” the videos on the facebook page.  We really need to start working on Sponsors. Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 12th, 6pm at Danny’s home.

– Stampede Bike Ride 2025 Date – per Brett – the date of April 26th, 2025 has been set. Mother’s Day Tea is also that day, so some riders may have to park at Yettie Polk.  Brett has been working on route and will schedule a committee meeting soon.
– Lions Foundation Annual Report – We received an email from LCI to file an Annual Report – this is new reporting and filing for us.   The By-Laws Committee will be: Brett Beamesderfer, Larry Berg, James Harrison, Jennah Gliha, Karen Stagner and Wayne Carpenter. We have also reached out to Doc Weaver; Robert Jones; Brandon Bozon, Eric Banfield and Lea Batey.  Lea Batey suggested that we contact Texas Secretary of State – Secretary will send a letter.

– 1st Vice President & 2nd Vice President – nominations now open. Christa Strang sent a letter of Resignation for herself and Bree to President Jennah.  Mark Bellomy is taking a full time job to supplement his business, he has asked to be changed to an At-Large Member.

Program: President Jennah Gliha invited Ron Ducharme with Rescue Magazine.  Great program about the history and current status and activities of the organization, partnering with 70 shelters and organizations to help and support all animals.  Check out their website and facebook page.  Thank You! 

Future Programs:
August 15 – Keith Cook – Coach Sniffin, BHS – Board Meeting Afterward
August 22 – Cree Childs

August 29 – BLC hosting Zone Meeting – James Harrison coordinating
September 5 – John Corsi
September 12 – Reese Davis
September 19 – Brett Beamesderfer – Board Meeting Afterward
September 26 – Mike Matthews
October 3 – Danny Dossman
October 10 – Karen Stagner
October 17 – David Shaw – Board Meeting Afterward

Thank Guests for Coming!  Remember, where there is a need, there is a Lion!

Keeping on the Front Burner:

– Belton Bacon, Blues and Brews, Friday/Saturday, September 27 & 28th – confirmed to display Black Pearl and a few Pirates to promote the Boat Race Event.

– Next District Meeting, October 12, Athens, Texas

– Mark Bellomy presented that Business Network International meets every Tuesday morning at 8:00am, Church of Christ on Hwy 317; they offer no charge membership to non-profits; he suggested that the Club might want to join the Network.

– Belton Lions Wall at Heritage Park – James Harrison coordinating
– Friends of Belton Lions – James Harrison coordinating
– LEO Club Update – Brett – future interested LEOs can help with events, as they further their plans.

– January District Meeting, January 18, Temple, Texas

– Storage: The Club’s event materials and supplies; files; records; banners; etc. are being held in various locations.  Over the past 85 years, we have lost files and information.  There is a NEED to get all of this in one central location. The Board has suggested the purchase of a Conex container (approx. $1,500); and secure a location – currently hoping to set in Heritage Park – painted blue; with a large Lions logo on the side.  We will keep you updated.

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