Call to Order by Lion President Keith Cook @ 11:55am
Members Present: Keith Cook, Jon Fontenot, Karen Stagner, Danny Dossman, Mike Matthews, John Corsi
Absent: Jennah Gliha, Christa Strang, Mark Bellomy, Mac Hickerson, James Harrison, Reece Davis
Membership Report – Karen Stagner – Invoices for 2nd Quarter 2023-2024 have been issued.
Treasurer Report –
General Account – $ 8,951.86
Activity Account – $ 33,655.23
Old Business:
– Plate Spinning Contest – Jon Fontenot will reach out again to the winner; giving him the option to join us for lunch to get his plate and cutting board; or we can make arrangements to deliver it to him and get photos; or he can stop by the Fire Station to pick them up.
– Stampede Bike Ride – June 8th – Brett Beamesderfer is going by King on the Mountain Bike Shop on Friday to finalize so we can get the website set up and open for Registration; and get the Ride posted on Wheel Brothers.
– Wacky Boat Race – Date will probably be same time of year, maybe same weekend as 2023. Danny Dossman will schedule a Kick-off planning meeting in February. It was suggested that we get Schools to Challenge each other.
– Membership Milestone Awards –The Board agreed that Milestones will be in five (5) year increments; starting at 10 year membership. –John Corsi and Jennah Gliha – still working.
– Banner Stand and/or Specialty Products – Danny Dossman has built a banner stand – we will need to get an information banner for it – to be used at Boat Race, Bike Ride, Fall Festival and other events. Karen Stagner has found 78”x33” retractable banner stand for roughly $200 with case – she will present it at the next Board Meeting. John Corsi suggested that we use the one Danny is making for our lunch meetings. Specialty Products: We found Lions squeeze toys; and the previous BLC giant coloring book (given to Lea and Lorna to look into at the District and State level). Fall Festival give-aways were about 50 of each item. We will revisit this at next meeting.
New Business:
Danny Dossman expressed “Thanks and Appreciation” to the Club Treasurer and Secretary for their time and dedication.
Club Excellence Award – Secretary Stagner will apply for this year.
Club Metrics: 1,770 people served / 13 Service Activities Completed, 849 Volunteer Hours, $7,500 Funds Donated, $2,900 Funds Raised
Holding to a Later Date:
– District Cabinet Meetings – January 27, McGregor / April 26-27
– David Shaw – Deployment bags are requested for our Adopted Unit – tabled until Lion Shaw is able to provide details.
– Belton Lions Wall at Heritage Park – James Harrison coordinating – plans are progressing. Tabled until after Picnic in the Park.
– LEO – Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity
Meeting Closed at 1:04pm … record breaking Board Meeting