Board Meeting – November 9, 2023

BLC November BOARD Meeting Recap – November 9, 2023

Call to Order by Lion President Keith Cook @ 12.56pm

Members Present: Danny Dossman, Keith Cook, James Harrison, Karen Stagner, Christa Strang, Jon Fontenot, Mac Hickerson
Absent: Mike Matthews, Jennah Gliha, Mark Bellomy, John Corsi

Membership Report – Karen Stagner – Invoices for 1st Quarter 2023-2024 have been issued. 7 members unpaid.
Regular Members – 29
Affiliate Members – 1
At-Large Members – 9
 Total – 39

Associate Member – 1

Treasurer Report –
  General Account – $8,459.70
Activity Account – $33.948.77

Old Business:
– Update on Cadence Bank – CD and other – The Club’s General Account was compromised several months back.  The issue has been resolved.  However, the current issue with Cadence Bank is with the debit cards.  It seems to be a programming issue within the Bank.  Treasurer Fontenot and David Shaw will hold off on opening any CDs until he gets the debit card issue resolved.  Our General Account balance looks high, but that is due to no lunch meals monies for over a month coming out of the account; and quarterly dues payments are coming in. Danny Dossman will look into other options for banking and report at our next Board Meeting.

– Membership Milestones –The Board agreed that Milestones will be in five (5) year increments; starting at 10 year membership.  Several members will explore options for Milestone awards – tabled until John Corsi and Jennah Gliha are available to report.

– Partnering with Temple-Belton Ladies Lions for eyeglasses and exams through their member connection for discounted costs. Discussion – Lea Batey was invited to sit with the Board and answer questions. Our Club members have expressed desire to learn to perform eye screenings. Yet until then, it was agreed that TBLL continue screening.  Lea estimated that the maximum number of Belton children and adults needing to be referred to Wildflower Vision.  The families are pre-screened for insurance or other financial resources.  Only the underserved, underinsured are underwritten by Lions Clubs.  Several years ago, Belton Lions Club Board agreed to budget $500 per year to assist with Dr. Visit Eye Exam and Glasses. After discussion, it was agreed that TBLL would continue screening; and anyone residing in Belton, needing to be referred to Wildflower Vision (based on pre-screening for financial resources); TBLL would email BLC Club Secretary advising of the referral; then Wildflower Vision would invoice BLC directly.  Once our Club reaches our budgeted $500 per year expenditure, the Board will meet to consider raising the budget for the year.  Jon Fontenot motioned to accept the plan; 2nd James Harrison; approved. TBLL will restart vision screenings in January.

– The Club Christmas Party – Thursday, December 14th during lunch – we will have a buffet meal.  Lions eat free; guests will pay buffet price, + tip – invoiced with dues.  Christa Strang selected the Cliffside Meal Menu.  Keith Cook will arrange for the Belton High School choir. Team includes: James Harrison, Mark Bellomy, Christa Strang, Jennah Gliha, David Leigh, Keith Cook, John Corsi

Club Metrics: 1,459 people served / 9 Service Activities Completed, 595 Volunteer Hours, $7,500 Funds Donated, $2,900 Funds Raised
Danny Dossman questioned funds donated vs funds raised.  The clarification is that the Bike Ride takes place before the July 1st Lions year; and the Heritage Park donation takes place after the July 1st Lions year.

New Business: 

– Banner Stand and/or Specialty Products – Danny Dossman is going to build a banner stand explaining who we are as Belton Lions – to be used at Boat Race, Bike Ride, Fall Festival and other events.  We found Lions squeeze toys; and the previous BLC giant coloring book (given to Lea and Lorna to look into at the District and State level).  Fall Festival give-aways were about 50 of each item. We will revisit this at next meeting. 

Holding to a Later Date:
– District Cabinet Meetings – January 27, McGregor / April 26-27
– David Shaw – Deployment bags are requested for our Adopted Unit – tabled until Lion Shaw is able to provide details.
– Belton Lions Wall at Heritage Park – James Harrison coordinating – plans are progressing.  Tabled until after Picnic in the Park.
– LEO – Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity
– Charter Night – James Harrison – 85th Anniversary is April 21st ; celebration will be April 18th or April 25th if it’s a lunchtime meeting.  To schedule the Charter Night in the evening, James and Mark will solicit a sponsor for $2,500. If a sponsor is secured, we will have the Charter Night Celebration on a Friday night; and we will not have a lunch meeting that week.  The Dead Fish Grill buffet menu is the same price for dinner as it is for lunch.

Meeting Closed at 1:25pm

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