BLC Meeting Recap – July 13th
Call to Order by Lion President Keith Cook
Members Present: Keith Cook, Mac Hickerson, Veronica Logan, Christa Strang, John Corsi, Jon Fontenot, Karen Stagner, Billy Conway, David Shaw, Mike Matthews, Wayne Carpenter, Dwayne Williams, Jennah Gliha, Gene Ellis
Guest: Mack Latimer (associate), Joseph Dyer & Matt Bates (speakers)
Song: by Lion Veronica Logan
Pledge to US Flag: Lion Billy Conway
Pledge to Texas Flag: Lion Jennah Gliha
Prayer: Lion Gene Ellis
Joke: Lion Ellis – why do longhorns wear a bell – their horns don’t work
Plate Spin: Lion Mac Hickerson
Exercise: Lion Mike Matthews
Back to School with God Event, July 29th, Yettie Polk Park, 9am-1pm. Temple-Belton Lady Lions will do the eye screenings. Belton Lions will help with “serving” the hot dogs, chips & drinks. Wear your BLC t-shirt. Sign-us: Keith Cook, Mike Matthews, Jon Fontenot, Mack Latimer, Karen Stagner, Jennah Gliha, John Corsi, Keith Cook
MD 2 x3 District Cabinet Meeting, August 12th, Hillsboro – President Keith Cook and Secretary Karen Stagner will be attending – We can promote the Lions on the Leon Event to all of the Clubs in our District. Anyone else want to carpool, Saturday, August 12th?
Bell County Senior Expo – September 26th – Kimberly Cables, Belton Journal is requesting volunteers for the 8am-1pm event. Sign-up sheet passed – Jennah, Keith, Cree & Karen have signed up so far. Our BLC logo has been added to the Senior Expo header online. Sign-up to volunteer if you can – see Secretary. Wear your BLC t-shirt.
Bacon, Blues & Brews Plate Spinning Contest, Saturday, September 30th, Downtown Belton – make plans to help sell People’s Choice Tickets – sign up sheet will be passed closer to event.
Lions on the Leon Wacky Boat Race, Oct 7th – the Ship is in dry dock.
Lions on the Leon Picnic in the Park, October 7th – Christa Strang – Planning Meeting on July 12th with Karen Judy, Joseph, Katherine, John Christa attending. Certificate of Insurance has been delivered to City of Belton; Sound System will be provided by David Leigh – we will need a sound engineer. Belton Parks and Rec will provide generator power and bleachers; Judy will arrange for the stage risers; Jon is working with local artists for entertainment; Christa is contacting inflatable games and Black Axe Co; Jennah is speaking with David Shaw regarding Car Show. Christa will get with Home Depot for Kids Kits (need hammers and sturdy tables. Kat with the Chamber and Belton EDC has volunteered to create our graphic designs; we are combining sponsorship forms and creating the greater levels; Vendor invitations will go out this week – $100 per booth. Food Trucks (10:30am-5pm) invitations will go our this week $250 per truck; Activities suggested: Face Painting, Corn Hole, Home Depot Kids Kits, That Art Place Trailer, Dunk Tank, Picture Taking (Photo Social). Large overhead Banner across street and/or hung in Heritage Park – approximately $750.
Next planning meeting and site visit will be Thursday, July 27th, 1:30pm (following Lions Lunch).
Thank you Jennah Gliha and Christa Strang for taking the lunch pictures and making our facebook posts each week.
Program: Gene Ellis hosted (for Sam Listi) Matt Bates and Joseph Dyer who presented an update on the Heritage Park / Leon River improvements. Our Club is honored to present our annual Heritage Park $5,000 partnership check to the City. Thank you – Great Presentation.
Future Program Assignments:
July 20 – Reese Davis – Jason Deckman from the City Temple will give a brief presentation update on the “Rails to Trails” project. Scholarship presentations by Todd Schiller/Keith Cook; Board Meeting after lunch
July 27 – Brett Beamesderfer
August 3 – James Harrison – State of the Club
August 10 – Mike Matthews
August 17 – David Shaw
August 24 – Karen Stagner – tentatively Representative Hugh D. Shine – Legislative Update
Keeping on the Front Burner:
Belton Lions Wall at Heritage Park – James Harrison coordinating
Friends of Belton Lions – James Harrison coordinating
85th Anniversary of the Belton Lions Club – James Harrison is planning a Celebration. James explained that Belton Lions Club first met in 1938; then Chartered in 1939.
2024 Fundraiser Cruise – Carnival Jubilee – January 13-20, 2024 – now posted on facebook and on our website