Board Meeting – September 15

Belton Lions Club – September 15th, Noon, The GIN, BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING

Welcome and Call to Order by Lion President Mike Matthews

Members Present: Danny Dossman, John Corsi, Jon Fontenot, Mike Matthews, Veronica Logan, Karen Stagner
Membership Report:
Regular Members – 29
Affiliate Members – 1
At Large Members – 6
TOTAL – 36
Plus 1 Associate Member
Membership Chair John Corsi will give delinquent members a call – Thank You!
Secretary Report: August Minutes (emailed)
Treasurer Report:
General Account: $3,346.68
Activity Account: $25,862.09
Club Treasurer Jon Fontenot has created a streamlined and simplified accounting ledger and is creating monthly folders for receipts – Thank You!


Canopy & Table Covers – Thank you to Jon Fontenot for volunteering to take, test and photograph – over this weekend..
Caps / Vests / Aprons / Ticket stock – Belton Bacon, Blues, Brews, September 24th, 11am-1pm, Downtown Belton.

Grand Avenue Movie Tickets – tabled until James Harrison is present

HOCTIL Fall Festival, Saturday, October 29th, 2-4pm, Central Texas Christian School – the Club will set up a booth to give away coloring books, crayons, candy, etc. – we will request members bring bags of candy to the meetings prior to the event.  More info to come.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing – we discussed Bell Ringing on a Sunday afternoon; Jon Fontenot motioned to move forward; 2nd by John Corsi; approved. 

Meeting closed at 1:26pm 

– Keeping on the Front Burner:
Belton Lion Business Cards – keep handing out those cards – inviting prospective new members.
Lion Corsi suggested that we have a prize drawing @ Charter Night for whoever invites (using the cards) the                                     most prospective new members.
Heritage Park Coordinator – James Harrison – Belton Lions Wall – Picnic in the Park
            Future Boat Race Coordinator – Danny Dossman
Stampede Coordinators –Reese Davis and Brett Beamesderfer / Active has raised their rate by .25%
Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets for HOCTIL families – Karen Stagner
BLC Christmas Party, Dec. 15, Noon – John Corsi and James Harrison
HOCTIL families visit with Santa, Thurs., Dec. 22, Harris Center – Karen Stagner
BLC Charter Celebration in 2023 will be during our regular lunch timeline.

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