Belton Lions Club – February 17, Noon, The GIN
Welcome and Call to Order by Club President Corsi
Members Present: Brett Beamesderfer, Gene Ellis, David Shaw, Jon Fontenot, Mike Matthews, Veronica Logan, Rob Potts, Danny Dossman, Wayne Carpenter, Keith Cook, Chris Gregg, Christa Strang, James Harrison, John Corsi
Guests: Reese Davis
Song: by Lion Corsi Pledge: by Lion Matthews
Prayer: by Lion Ellis Exercise: by Harrison
Joke of the Day: Potts Plate Spin: Lion Hickerson
– Stampede, April 30th: Registration opens January 31st online at Active.
Sponsor and registration forms are on our webpage – Ride Map – Lion Harrison provided an update on sponsorships.
– Flag Program – renewal invoices were sent in January – very few requests for flag replacement from invoicing. One participant requested to be removed. We have recently added several new participants; and renewal payments are at about 33% right now.
The Club will not need to schedule a flag replacement day at the Journal – Lion Tuma has offered to help with his interns.
– Reminder: Effective January 2022 – the GIN has raised the lunch price by $2.00, due to increased supply costs. The increase will be reflected on the April Invoice/Statements.
– Fundraiser: Grand Avenue Movie Theatre $20 Gift Cards – we still have four cards remaining and will order more; once they are gone. Update: the last four cards were purchased at the meeting by Lion Potts for $80 cash.
– Lion President Corsi has been handing out our Belton Lion Business Cards to propective new members, and two of them should be joining the Club soon.
– Charter Night will be on April 21st
– The Open at Belton (Disc Golf) is scheduled for March 18-20 at Heritage Park. This is a DGPT Silver Series tournament. Hot Dogs, Chips, etc. by Belton Lions. Update: Lion Corsi received a call from Lion Hudson that there has been a change to the tournament plans and “If” the Club wanted to do the hot dogs; it would be February 26th. A poll of the membership found that we do not have enough volunteers available on that date.
February Board Meeting would be immediately following lunch.
Program: Lion Chris Gregg invited Jon Vandergriff from Media to Social Marketing – he provided an interesting presentation on “How to Get Your Word Out”, with tips on Facebook-Instagram, TicToc and using videos; the Power of Google Reviews. Thank You!
Future Program Assignments:
February 24th – David Tuma March 3rd – Lou Griffin
March 10th – Mike Matthews March 17th – Frank Hernandez
March 24th – Jon Fontenot
2021-2022 Officers:
President John Corsi 1st VP Mike Matthews
2nd VP James Harrison Secretary/Treasurer Karen Stagner
Board Member at Large Mac Hickerson Tail Twister Danny Dossman
Lion Tamer Mac Hickerson Membership Chair David Shaw
Webmaster Karen Stagner Historian James Harrison