August 13th Meeting Recap:
Meeting was called to order by Club President Harrison.
Attendance: James Harrison, Frank Hernandez, Mac Hickerson, Lou Griffin, Rob Potts, Sam Listi, David Shaw, Danny Dossman, Todd Shiller, Karen Stagner
Guest: Joyce Griffin – Welcome … and she is planning to join the Club
Song by Lion President Harrison (great job! … looking forward to Lion Knight’s return) / Pledge by Lion Hickerson / Prayer by Lion Listi
Joke of the Day got lost … so, here’s one from the LCI “World’s Best Jokes” booklet:
Q: What is the difference between a tiger and a lion?
A: A tiger has the mane part missing
Report from last week’s Board Meeting by President Harrison:
– Stampede on the Chisholm Trail 2021: Chad with Tri-City Bikes is totally on board to help, with support and volunteers – he has offered to set the date for us – based on other rides – Lion President Harrison is working directly with them.
– Memorial Proposal/Heritage Park: Our proposed Memorial Plaque program for the Pavilion at Heritage Park has been approved and the City has offered to install them for us.
– Fundraiser in Heritage Park: Car Show; then Movie in the Park (Thank you Lion Leigh and Lion Dossman) – maybe show “Lion King”. We will also plan a park clean-up day.
– “Friends of” program – a trending new idea to recruit supporters …
– Benefit Cruises – we will plan a benefit cruise for 2021
– Lion Griffin noted that he is going to be out for several weeks – to have his shoulder replaced.
– Secretary/Treasurer updated members that unpaid Flag Program participant’s invoices would be generated this weekend, urging them to get their payment in by September 11th – with a note to call if they are experiencing extenuating circumstances; and noting that we will plan to pick up flags from any remaining unpaid participants on the evening of September 11th. New Route lists will be emailed to members, since we have added roughly 100 new participants. As of today, we have 36 unpaid participants out of the total 249 flags out. Lion Knight and Lion Shaw have been steadily replacing worn flags. We purchased 100 new flags – Lion Knight and Lion Shaw, each, have a case of 50 for replacements and new orders. By purchasing in bulk, we were able to get the flags for roughly $4.00 each.
Program: Thank you Lion President Harrison for inviting well known meteorologist Bill Hecke – an informative and entertaining presentation on his history forecasting and observing weather for over 55 years, starting in the Air Force after graduating high school. When asked when he thought the drought was going to end, he gave a very “Lion Club” response … (smile)
you had to be there!
you had to be there!
Future Program Assignments:
August 20 – Lion Corsi
August 27 – Lion Harrison – Dick Chapin, District Lions Camp Director
September 10 –
September 17 –
September 17 –
September 24 – Lion Harrison – State Representative Hugh Shine
September 3 – Lion Dossman